
Did Hillary and Bill go for a roll in the hay after the convention got out last nite?

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Did Hillary and Bill go for a roll in the hay after the convention got out last nite?




  1.   No but McCain had his wife change his depends.

  2. Bubba went out to some party looking for chicks to pickup

    Hill went back to her hotel room by herself

    because everybody hates her

  3. I wonderif they even do anymore.

    I could see Hillary staying with Bill for political reasons and just giving him the don't get caught speech.

  4. yep Bill did , don't know  who with though  

  5. well...perhaps Bill did !  

  6. No, Bill had a date.

  7. Yes but not with each other.

    Hillary with the wife of a donor she met back stage and Bill with the donor's daughter.

  8. Thanks a lot, I was trying to eat dinner but not with that mental image in my head.  

  9. I wouldn't think so. She never even mentioned being honored to be a wife in her speech Tuesday night. However, she mentioned being honored about being everything else; mother, daughter, woman, senator, American and you name it, but, not wife. I thought she looked like she couldn't stand Bill. They just do what they have to do in public, but, I would imagine they don't go near each other in private, and, I think that choice is hers.

  10. Yes, I'm sure Bill wants nothing more than to tap dat old old white a**... that's why he got himself a secretary, to schedule his 'Hillary time.'

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