
Did Hillary ask the wrong question?

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It shouldn't have been the phone call at 3 AM. It should be who is going to answer the phone call at 9 AM, when younger people are still in bed from being out partying all night, but old folks who got up at the crack of dawn are wide awake, have had their coffee and morning constitutional, and are ready to roll.




  1. I don't actually see any of the three answering their own phone anyway.  I suspect all three of them are indoctrinated into the ways of the Ruling Class that they have People for that.  I'd be surprised to learn that any of them have a cell phone they carry on their persons, regardless of whose name it might be listed under.

  2. Not sure what difference it makes what time the phone is answered if you can not make the correct decision. Clinton has made very few significant decisions in the 6+ years she has been in the Senate. Her vote for war was made without reading the intelligence reports. She voted for the bankruptcy bill that has financially destroyed thousands of low and middle income families while adding big dollars into big business pockets. She is setting a new tone for our kids; MOMS CAN LIE AND EXPECTS THE KIDS TO SUPPORT THE LIES!

  3. Anytime you have to rely on old people to win your campaign you are in trouble. The youth are the future. Always have been.

  4. Presidents don't party all night.

    Well, maybe Bill Clinton, but they were very small parties.

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