
Did Hillary miss spoke or did she just flat out lie about her trip to Bosnia?

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hillary clinton have been caught in her lies there was no bullets flying over her head in her trip to bosnia .there was no treat what so ever )do you still think hillary will make a honest president one that the peoples can trust ?4 long nose pinocchio for hillary clinton for lieing to the american peoples .




  1. It depends whether the statement was intentional to gain advantage or an honest mistake.

  2. She has been lying all along to cover up Watergate so why should we believe her now!

  3. You don't forget being under fire. There is no such thing as a mistake in that department. Hillary is busted with another whopper. I suppose some of her supporters still believe she had "reservations" about NAFTA too despite of all the evidence to the contrary.

    Seems to me like she is flinging doo doo and hoping some of it sticks to the wall. It's hard work to out-stupid the Republicans, but it looks like Hillary is up there with the best of them.

  4. Getting shot at is something you don't make mistakes about.  you can bet that it was a lie.  I can promise you from 1st hand knowledge that she doesn't like the military (neither does her hubby).

  5. its another lie from the lying liar she is

  6. Flat out lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  what do you expect from the wife of the draft dodger.....................2 small b*****s, 2 fat thighs.....and a mess of left wings.........mashed potato's and gravy........the draft dodger special at kfc

  7. A flat out lie - nothing honest about it. Dying to see the comments from the YA community.

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