
Did Hillary really have to fund her own campaign 5 million?

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  1. Many of the candidates do this and it is legitimate. The problem in allowing it is the money is then identified as their money and it may very well be coming from sources that can not legally donate or sources the candidate does not want anyone to know about. In Hillary's case she has been caught several times taking money from illegal sources and from people with criminal backgrounds.

  2. Even if she is, it is a ploy to get 'sympathy' donations.

  3. i am sure she wouldnt part with 5 big ones if she didnt think it to be absolutely necessary.

  4. Well...she did 'LOAN' her campaign the money. That way the tight a** b*t*h can get her money back when someone else donates. Do you really think she wants to spend her own money???

  5. Yes. Obama is raking in millions of more dollars every month than she is. He's got the huge financial advantage in the race. She simply isn't getting as many donations.

  6. That's true.  Obama technically won Super Tuesday by a few delegates, so he does have more momentum.  Usually when someone has momentum, they rake in more money.

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