
Did Hitler's actions against the Jews fulfill this New Testament prophecy?

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  1. no.. soon Arabs shall fulfill this.

  2. Hello,

    Not at all. The Jewish state was destroyed and her people dispersed by the Romans long before the n***s. See the passage about Jesus telling the women on his march to the cross not to weep for him but Jerusalem but with growing tensions between Palestine and Rome one not needed to be God to figure that out.


    Michael Kelly

    EDIT - But if you read Revelations, one gets the impression from thos martyrs crying out that Jesus' coming was right around the corner back then.

  3. There is no such a thing as a prophecy!!!

  4. no

  5. Luke was written between 80-90CE,  after the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. This is not a prophecy. This is a historic event made into a "prophecy" ex post facto by the writer who puts the words into Jesus' mouth to make him appear to have predicted the future. The writer of the Book of Daniel, writing in the 2nd century BCE, does the same thing with "prophecies" about events that occurred 400 years before.

  6. I dont think Hitler used swords.

  7. only if the gentiles have been fulfilled... and since we have not, my answer to this would be NO....

  8. Even if it did, that doesn't mean the prophesy was written with any special knowledge. It's a vague guess by someone with no idea what the future held. Anyone can make a prediction like that and have it come true.

    Example: There will be pain and suffering in Africa. Wow, I'm a prophet!

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