
Did Hitler want to kill all the Polish people so that Germans could settle in Poland?

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I just found this out today, how come you only hear about killing of the jews by hitler.




  1. Poland was one of the only countries to openly oppose Hitler and, try and stop the Germans at the Polish border. The Book, 39 days, should be read.

           My great Uncle was in the Polish Cavalry and fought valiantly against the Germans.

            Hitler was so enraged that the 18th Century minded Poles would fight against his elite units that he ordered the Polish people decimated, some villages were totally wiped out and the ground plowed and salted.

             I have relatives that disappeared and were never heard from again.

  2. Hitler mostly wanted people of the Slavic countries to be slave labour, anybody who couldn't work though were murdered, he wanted to conquer other countries for Living space or living room (leibensraum) for the German people.

  3. To answer this question properly, you have to understand where Hitler was coming from and to do that you have to read more and more history. Effectively, the Kingdom of Poland had ceased to exist after the Congress of Vienna in 1815, being partioned between Russia to the east, Austria to the south and Prussia, the leading German state prior to German unification. Prussia took huge swathes of what we now know as Poland, particularly along the Baltic coast, including the cities of Gdansk (then Danzig) and Konigswinter and had a land border on the east with Russia. Following WWI Germany was contrained and the Polish state set up. Germany's eastern border became what was known as the 'Oder-Neisse line'. Hitler had a strong sense of German nationalism and idenetity and the loose of what he saw as German lands rankled strongly with him. His cry was for 'lebensraum' - room for the German people to expand into the east. In part, his invasion of Poland in 1939 was to right what he saw as a wrong - has had been his earlier invasions of the Rhineland and the Sudetenland. Coupled with this perception that he had a mission to restore Germany's lost borders was another than the German, Aryan, race was superior to all others. The Poles were slavs and therefore a lesser breed (in his eyes). They existed (in his eyes) to serve the German people in whatever capacity he thoiught fit and if they died as a result, so what/ There was no deliberate policy of extermination, as there was with the Jews, but just a callous disregard for the rights to live of any person or group of people that did not fit in with his totally warped ideas.

  4. No, the Poles along with all other Slavic peoples were to be designated as the slave races, they would be used to build roads, work in the fields and factories, etc. The educated of their class would be killed off and the rest were to be used as slaves.

    BTW the word Slav is a derivation of the word slave.

  5. maybe... i think he wants to have the perfect nation.. and by perfect, his race.

  6. Hitler believed in killing anyone that wasn't an Aryan (perfect German race)

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