
Did Hizbollah won another time?

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as mentioned on the major TV stations, tomorow will be the finilization of a deal between Hizbollah and the Zionist state, where a huge number of Jihadists will return to their homes.

Why the Zionists are discussing that deal?




  1. Yes, they did win again. the zionists are terrified of them, because they know hezbollah is undefeatable.

  2. Yes I feel they are winning this negotiations  but that is small.

    No I don't see a big wartime victory in 06.

    Yes Israel is suffering from the worst leadership it has ever had.

    No Hexbo does not represent the Leb people and most aren't even from there.

    No Lebanon even with Hexbo and the Army is no real threat to Israel.

    Hexbo won nothing, Israel gave it to them.

    Civilized people trying to deal with animals.

    I spent two years in day to day combat and never heard so much bragging about how many bodies we counted.

    Of course no one here was there right?

  3. one can hardly call the 2006 war a win for hisbos..

    the answer to your second question is because the israelis care about their soldiers.

  4. "They lost 2000 in war we lost 80"

    Good job killing civilians!


    These are the numbers given out by the UN: 500 Hebollah fighters and 119 IDF soldiers died.

    Source: The UN

    This is when Hezbollah had higher precision than IDF. They killed only 44 civilians and a number of them were due to strokes.

    IDF killed 1191 Civilians.

    Source: The UN

    Edit 2;

    Well, I'm gonna need a reference. These are official UN statements.

    Miron - These numbers are not by Hezbo. I wrote there: "Source: UN" with reliable references.

  5. zionist SOCKS, Hezbollah ROCKS.

    Hezbollah is always a winner.

  6. Let's see...

    1- Hezbollah arristed two Zionist soldiers in the south of Lebanon.

    2- Israel attacked Lebanon to defeated Hezbollah. Zionists excuse was free those mentioned soldiers.

    3- US supports Israel to invade Lebanon and occupy. US prime minister waved there will be a new Middle East.

    4- Israel army bombed civilians during the war and killed a lot of unarmed civilians like always...!

    Some Israel crimes: [Photo] [Photo] [Qana_Lebanon 2006] [July 2006] [Photo] [Newest Slaughtering in Qana_Lebanon] [Video] [Newest Slaughtering in Qana_Lebanon] [Video] [Video] [1996 Slaughtered in Qana_Lebanon] [Photo] [Photo] [Photo] [Video] [Video] [Photo] [Photo]

    5- Hezbollah fired some missiles for revenge. That was the first time when an arab country could directly response Israel's attack.

    6- Israel's army couldn't defeat a few Hezbollah freedom fighters in the south of Lebanon and it couldn't free those two soldiers too...

    7- Israel withdrew the war. while it couldn't achieve its goals, such as defeating Hezbollah, occupying Lebanon and free those Zionist soldiers.

    8- Hezbollah is as strong as before 2006 war or more stronger. Hezbollah's political branch are one of the most important players in Lebanon now.

    9- Israel has terrored some Hezbollah freedom fighters. One of them was terrored in Syria. This is one of the evidences on governmental terrorism.

    10- After two years without any serious confilict between Lebanon and Israel, Hezbollah make a deal with Zionists for free some its freedom fighters then Hezbollah will free two Zionist soldiers.

    I think this is a victory for Lebanon and its resistance group...

  7. Hezbollah is winner .

    Israel has lost the last war , and the (Jews) again have proved their tendency to kill innocent children and women .anyway I am waiting for 2023 ! the final war .

  8. Kuntar is being released...  that makes me sick. he doesnt even deserve to be alive.

    Shay - hezbollah did get its victory in 2006. all you're looking at is damage.

    1) hezbollah lasted longer than anyone ever expected. victory for hezbollah

    2)israel wasnt able to stop hezbollah from launching rockets. in fact, they launched a record number of rockets on the last day of fighting meaning they were better at the end of the war. victory for hezbollah

    3) israel's ruthless retaliation on lebanon (please note ON LEB ANON and not ON HEZBOLLAH) disgusted the world and it gave hezbollah's cause more credibility as well as supporters! victory for hezbollah

    4) israel's goal was to kill nasrallah and to seriously damage hezbollah. they failed, hezbollah today is stronger than ever!

    i dont support hezbollah or any of their ideologies at all. and they are a roadblock to lebanon's democracy and future success

    israel didnt loose, its just that hezbollah benefited a lot from the war. the only people that lost were the tons of lebanese not associated with the militia!

    nada - they're getting back the child-killer kuntar, are you proud of that? kuntar, by the way, is the primary reason they so carelessly started a war in which lebanon paid the price. but who cares if lebanon goes to h**l, as long as we kill some zionists, right?

    death to israeeelllll jihad jihad allahhhhh muhammad give me strength to fight the zionist allah muhammad.

  9. well you could say hizbollah won the war since Israel couldn't complete ant military objective like destroying hizbollah and retrieving the 2 kidnapped solders also they couldn't make it passed (bint jubeil) a small village only 2 km away from the border also the Israeli symbol of their strength the merkava were being destroyed in large numbers so hizbollah did win the 2006 war .

  10. It's a prisoner exchange, not a win.  For all the lives lost in Lebanon over this, I can't imagine thinking it is a win for anyone.

  11. Yea they won, they gave bones we give live people.

    They give two we give 300 hundred.

    They lost 2000 in war we lost 80 them brave Hizbos keep on winning.



    I'm talking Hizbos that were dug in, not civilians, you are a master twister ain't you.

    These numbers were given out by the UN not me.


    I never WROTE 300 Hizbos

    Trust me I know what I'm talking about, the numbers are real, this is not a personal thing, I always state FACTS.




    2000 dug in Hizbos were killed, that is a fact, the UN stated that and that is that.

    By the way, we thought by the number of ambulances  that were seen going back and forth that there were twice as many, but it could be those ambulances  were bringing in more ammo.


    Jews were murderd in war they didn't fight one, this thing you wrote is totally stupid.

    I wish it happend to yours not mine.

  12. Hezbollah is getting Kuntar and the remains of 10 Hezbollah fighters, Israel is getting those two soldiers. No one can win because this is not a battle, it's negotiations.

    Shay's figures are all screwed up, there have never been 300 Hezbollah fighters in Israeli prisons in the first place! There were 400 Palestinians released with the help of Hezbollah, and maybe 10 Lebanese who were kidnapped by the Zionist army-militia before they were kicked out of Lebanon. But keep living in your own dream world if it makes you feel better. By the way, Israel is giving Hezbollah 'bones' for live people this time, so I wouldn't be so confident criticizing that kind of thing if I were you. Winning is not judged by how many civilians you killed with your American-made fighter jets, it's judged by whether or not your goals for the war were achieved, your's weren't, their's were achieved and (then some more.) You fought a 4000-man militia and ran away like p*ssies lmao

    Watch how your soldiers act when they're getting a good as* kicking by Hezbollah:


    Shay- by your analogy, the n***s won because they killed more Jews than the Jews killed n***s. When all is said and done, everyone knows that Hezbollah's mission is noble (to defend their country) while your's was not (trying to occupy another country- Lebanon.) Even if everyone in Hezbollah is killed while defending Lebanon, they would still be the winners because they died doing something noble and just (Defending their country), while your guys died for NOTHING, except trying to terrorize and occupy another country.

  13. Beyson

    I live in Marjayoun, the Hizbollah lost that war, they had nothing more to shoot, all bullets gone. Israeli forces were closing in, hundreds of dead were removed during and after this war, we know, you know, by  by.

    B & Moodie!

    The numbers of dead are lowered by Hizbollah when they talk about their dead and are raised when talking about civilian deaths, everybody knows that.


  14. No Hezbollah did not win unless you count Israel discussing things with them.

    Even talk to terrorist organization they claim victory what up with that big ego.

    FYI 2006 wasn't a war it was objective of which was accomplished.  Israel doesn't want Beirut again otherwise she could have taken it.

  15. Yes they did win this war too, When you deal with the Zionist state by force you win, and Hizballa got it very smart and dealt with that Terrorist state the way they unerstand.

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