
Did Ho Chi Minh treat his people good?

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I know that in Western societies Communist rulers are looked down upon, but isn't Ho Chi Minh loved in Vietnam?

Was he good to his people?




  1. Uncle Ho is everywhere in Vietnam.

    The victors always get to write history, and from their perspective Ho Chi Minh was a freedom fighter against the western oppressors and the corupt puppet government.  If you go to his house in Hanoi or his tomb, it is teeming with people.

    He died before he ever "ruled" Vietnam, the US had not ended left the country yet.  So it is tough to say he was "good to his people".  The people of southern Vietnam don't look fondly on what happened, as many lost everything they had when the communists took over.

  2. I think that Bac Ho can be favorably compared to either Patrick Henry or Ben Franklin. A true patriot. He was also a totalitarian ruler in the true "communist" sense. Don't forget that he died in 1969. I think he would have been both shocked and disgusted at the greed and corruption that followed his death. His vision for Vietnam was noble. Self rule, not imperialist slavery.

    Unfortunately, power and vision breeds sycophants and suck ups.

    How will the world view America and our current quagmire in Iraq ? Before you say that us Americans will write the history, read about the fall of Rome. It started with the death of Augustus.

    Augustus cared about his country, not himself. Henry and Franklin were patriots also,,, sound familiar??? I didn't think so.  Politician's are the lowest form of life. GIVE US LIBERTY AND GIVE THEM DEATH !!!

    To comment on Germany, What did Ho, Castro, or for that matter, Chavez ever done to be demonized except to stand up to America.  Guess what, you wage slave, your tax dollars are supporting a much more extensive and less efficient form of "totalitarianism", not communism. The system you support involves making the filthy rich filthier and richer!

    And by the way,,,I'm not a corrupt hypocrite, but....I was entrapped, tricked, ignorant, mentally challenged ,,, into breaking the law. Vote for me on election day...SUCKER

  3. Yeah, I think he treated them well. That's one reason why he's on the dollars... and he discovered or did something good... I forgot. But I guess overall he was a pretty good guy.

  4. All of you do not know anything about VIETNAM history so just listen and do not guess or post anything stupid,clear?

    hochiminh to vietnam just like mao to china,fidel castro to cuba,lenin or stalin to russia and kim to north korea,they are all a traitor and liar and a thief.My people suffer for many year because of that stupid jerk,who ask him to be a leader and learning communist theory ?He even got killed by his communist brother before he rule vietnam and that so pity,because of freaking communist party rule that why vietnam we got 3 millions people left countries and lives around the world,



  5. northern ppl love him more than southern.....

  6. hard 2 judge..

    the communist elderly ppl idolize him , while da southern & viet refugees p**s him off..

    he was lenin's follower.. look at lenin , and then u 'd have the conclusion for yrself

  7. what i know for sure is this: the viet kieu [ vietnameses ex patriots living outside of viet nam] in general hate him and the communists. it brings tears to there eyes when they talk about him. they for the most part believe he was a "terrorist". on the other hand as i traveled all over viet nam for the past 10 years most people will speak of their government in fear and in hushed tones, but generally speak well of "bac ho".. i also firmly believe that if it wasn't for ho chi minh and his followers  viet nam would still be under french tyrannical rule. Well probably someone else would have stepped up by now and kicked them out, but they needed kicking out and ho chi minh did it... his means of doing so may be in question .. but i ask , what would you have done to free viet nam from france as they were being supported by the americans???

       i know he took many photo ops w/ children... "good uncle" or "savvy politician "???

  8. He led the people to freedom.  First fighting the French and then the Americans.

    Such struggles don't come cheap, especially in terms of human lives lost and hopes and ambitions blighted.

    I've a suspicion that military leaders can't be good to their people.  

    I think he was called 'Uncle HO'.  The only other powerful leader who was called uncle  was  Uncle Joe...Stalin

  9. Everyone in Vietnam love Ho Chi Minh. The enemy admire him. People in Vietnam call him "Uncle Ho". He still live in heart of Vietnamese.

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