
Did Hubble ever aim the moon?

by Guest32574  |  earlier

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Did Hubble ever aim the moon?




  1. There are a few Hubble images of the Moon, but by and large the Moon is too bright, too close, and moves too fast to be imaged by Hubble. There are much better instruments for getting lunar images,

  2. Yes, it did some calibrations by pointing at the Moon.  However, with the different tracking they have to do, the fact that it's so bright, and the fact they can't resolve anything smaller than a football field on the surface of the Moon, they don't bother too often.

  3. I found 11 images of Earth's Moon on the Hubble web site. So they have taken a few pictures, but that isn't what 99.9999% of astronomers want to look at. The Moon is, "been there, done that".

  4. yes, but it can't image apollo hardware, bcuz it's too small. this is why ppl usually ask this.

    the fact that i can take pictures in my backyard almost as good as hubble's picture of copernicus says just how poorly suited hubble is to lunar photography.

  5. Yes it has

    Thanks for a great question.  I did not know this and your question got me to learn something....a star 4 u

    EDIT  also a thumbs up to the guy above me, I learned some more from him

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