
Did I Eat Healthy Today? Please Answer This!!!!!!?

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Breakfast: a normal amount of cereal (honey bunches of oats) with some SKIM milk!

Lunch: one boiled egg (i didnt eat the yolk, the middle though) & I had some bread (but in took a little less than half of the round pita bread!) with smashed potatoes & a little olive oil.

Dinner: Some white rice, steamed carrots, & salad. And a cup of ice tea.

Snack: Grapes

Here Are My Questions:

- Did I Eat Healthy Today?

- Did I Eat Enough Today?

- AROUND how many calories did I eat?

Answer ALL 3 of my questions in order please, and whoever does that is who ill choose as "Best Answer!" If you dont know about how much calories I ate today then say "You ate around 800-1000 cal." or whatever. Make A Range!!

Be Honest Please! Thank You. Have A Great Day!!! Bye! ☆




  1. Jeez, why do we have to do all the work?

    Healthy?  I would say so-so.  You've got healthy carbs, healthy fats, but I think you need more protein.  You can either grab some lean meats, go soy (edamame is a great snack), or have another egg.

    Enough?  Without knowing the portion sizes, I can't tell you how much you ate.  It looks a little small to me, maybe around 1,200 - 1,500 calories, but you're the one who needs to look it up.

    I personally can't survive the day with less than 1,800.  Michael Phelps requires something like 10,000 (seriously).

  2. So-so. You could pick a better cereal than Honey Bunches. Skip the potatoes and pita in one or the other. Try brown rice instead of white.

    Absolutely not. You do not eat enough protein, vegetables, or whole grains. You're supposed to eat 5 a day of fruit and veggies, and 6 serings of whole grains. No less than 1200 calories daily.

    Between 600-750 calories.

  3. Without knowing the amounts eaten, the last two questions are impossible to properly assess.

    I heard from someone who worked at a dairy that skim milk is the worst for you while whole milk is the most natural and beneficial.

    Every ones biochemistry requirements are different. Listen to your body day to day. You will be able to know from your bodies reactions (headaches, fatigue etc.) if you are eating what is healthy for you.

  4. It's better than what most people eat. But you said to be honest. So I'm just gonna say that you should eat whole rice instead. And The honey bunches of oats has a lot of sugar.

  5. Possibly, if you are overweight and it all depends on your height, age etc. .  If not, it sounds like a really low calorie count but healthy food choices. Definately, does not sound like enough protein or calories.  

  6. Did you eat healthy today? No. Not really. According to your report, you would be deficient in both overall calories as well as protein. The level of carbs is also quite high.

    Did you eat enough today? No. Not really. You need more protein and more calories.

    Around how many calories did you eat? Depending on the dressing (or not/ how much) on the salad and how much rice and how much potatoes, you're probably looking at 500-750 cals.


  7. yes


    who cares

  8. -I think you ate healthy today

    -Breakfast can be larger. but otherwise you ate enough

    -900-1100 calories

  9. You tried to eat healthy, but you didn't.

    You ate enough carbs, but not enough protein, fruit or veggies.

    You can't lose weight by counting calories.

    There's your trouble. Step over to the real world. The oldest way to eat healthy. THREE BALANCED MEALS A DAY.

  10. You ate healthy things but I think you had too many starchy, carbohydrate filled things--  (potato,rice, bread)

    I think you ate enough, but I would have spaced it out more.  They say it is better to eat 6 small meals than 3 large ones in order to keep metabolism going.

    As far as calories, I can't determine because I don't know what your portion sizes are or how you prepared that rice, or if you had dressing on that salad.

  11. yes, you ate healthy, I dont know if you are vegetarian, but if not you could add some lean meat to your routine. Also, you should eat brown rice or wild rice instead of white, its much healthier! No you didnt eat enough, you could still add antoher snack. I would say you ate somewehre around 850-900 cals, so you need more.

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