
Did I Handle This Soon-To-Be Accident Wisely?

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I was riding my bicycle along, just minding my own business, and an SUV drove up from behind. I pulled over on the side of the road but kept moving to let them pass. I was riding over all the junk and concrete pieces of road the get thrown over by cars, yet they wouldn't pass. This went on for about a block and a half. My bike doesn't have good brakes, and so finally, when we got near a hill, and I got rolling pretty good, they passed. They even were stupid enough to have their passenger tell me to "Stay off your bike" as they passed. They got in front of me, and slowed down. I pulled the brakes and zigzagged behind them to try to slow down, but it didn't work, and they came to a stop. I had to quickly go flying through somebody's front yard, pretty close to their porch, even, and I almost hit a tree and even did a jump over a 6-7 inch ledge because of this, and kinda hurt my sore arm going over all those bumps and concrete pieces I told you about earlier. But I didn't hurt anyone with my maneuver, and did not hit the SUV or destroy any land. I also (unfortunately) was too shaken to think to tell off the idiot driver who tails a bike for a block and then tries to get them into an accident, and yelling at them. I want your opinion. Did I handle this wisely?




  1. Get off both the bike and the road because it seems to me that you don’t understand the rules of the road and you don’t understand how to maintain your bike...

    It is people like you that give bike riders a bad name.......

  2. yes you did  some people are just not that smart

  3. you need to have good brakes on your bike. this sounds like another case of someone thinking only they have a right to be on the road<

  4. ucantseeme sums it up.

    i would have gotten their lic number to report them.  they were harrassing you.

  5. .

    No. You shouldn't be on the road on a bike with poor brakes!!!

    Not reacting to others is mature though.


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