
Did I Just Have An Encounter With A Ghost. Demon, Or One Of Those Shadow People?

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Well, a couple of nights ago, I was heading up to my upstairs bathroom to brush my teeth and go to bed, but as iI walked towards the bathroom, there was a black, figure just standing there. I thought it was my imagination, but as I got closer, I walked through it, and had the most bizarre feeling I had ever felt. It was a mixture of shivers going up my back, and an uncontrollable vibration in my whole body. I then sat in the bathroom for a while both scared, and confused. Anyone know what it was? (P.S. The hallway was partially lit up with my bedroom light, the figure was about 5' 9" tall, it was not my imagination. Answers with similar experiences and a lot of detail would be awesome. Thanks!)




  1. I think that you saw a demonic spirit. You can pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God like you would a normal person asking him for his protection. Then you need to command those spirits to leave your home in the name of Jesus Christ.By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If you are still having a problem ask a pastor to bless your home, to pray for the safety of you and your family and for his advice on the situation.

  2. AI belive so i have seen at least 4 in my life most where in white but one had eyes i will never for get and laughed at me couse i had told the family meber to not do some thing or it couse bring in gost and that night she should up and looked and laughed at me and scared the other family member almost to death so yea you seen it, just be nice and it will be nice back most of the time

  3. It sounds like you have a presence in your house. Someone who may have died and hasn't yet passed on. Hopefully this not a demon; well it doesn't sound like one. It hasn't done anything scary to you or your family I wouldn't worry too much about it. If it should come back you should talk to your priest. Whatever you do DO NOT use black magic stuff it will draw out more bad energy, evil.

    The best case is you were sleep walking and you saw something in your dream and you mistaken it for something real. Are you sure you weren't brushing your teeth in your dream? Sometimes when you watch a Horror movie images from movies are fresh in your mind and they come out in dreams. That's why people have nightmares.  

  4. Hm, well, with everything I've experienced I've never walked through anything.  But dark figures that seem imaginary are typical for me to see.  The closest I have to this is one night while sitting in my bed I looked op and thought my wholle room was dark, there seemed to be on section that was darker then the rest, like a shadow in the dark.  I horrifying feeling came of of it and I fu,bled around untill I found the light swich.  The light eraesed my shadow man but the feeling that something wanted to hurt me lingered.  I left the room and walked around.  After a few minutes I went back and the feeling was gone.

    I'm a srong beleiver in the super natural.  Your description sounds a lot like some of the things I've been through and I call the things ghosts.  But that's only for a lack of better word.

    Best of luck with this.

  5. its probably a ghost

  6. you were  HI.  

  7. Why on earth did you walk through it? Ach - anyway~

    Give me an important detail - what EXACTLY did it 'look' like? I'd be able to help more with this.

  8. It was probably just a time traveler from the future stuck between worlds for a moment. Read and watch science fiction instead of horror the possibilities are more interesting.

  9. Whatever it was it wasn't evil or you would of know right away. Try not to provoke it or anything and you should be fine.

  10. many people do not believe in spirits or shadow walkers. However, what you described is something very common in people who claimed encounters.

    Generally, you need to figure out why the figure was there. Has someone died you know recently, did you just move into a new home? Why would a spirit be following you?

  11. Well if it was a shadow person then when you walked through it there would have something else that happen and I am surprise that you would forget to mention it..... So it might have been just a spirit that you walked through...............

  12. Nope, sounds like you had an encounter with some LSD

  13. The possibilities of what you have seen aren't limited to demons, ghosts, and shadow people.  It is extremely likely you saw a faerie.  They very commonly send shivers down people's spines.  When I first started my work with faeries I couldn't see them, and got very happy when I got shivers and I was warm, because it indicated I was becoming more sensitive to their presence.  If you shook uncontrollably, it was likely just very powerful, and you weren't adjusted to such energies

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