
Did I Sell It For A Good Price?

by Guest44917  |  earlier

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I just bought a laptop and got rid of my old desktop by taking it to cash converters.

I've heard from everyone that they are crooks and dont offer much for a trade in.

My computer was an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ with 70GB Capacity, 1.5GHZ and 240MB of ram.

I'm aware that it was a dinosaur as far as computer specs today. I bought the computer in 2001 so that would make it 7 years old.

I traded the computer with a 17" CRT Monitor and an old keyboard all for $130 AUD.

I dont believe it was such a bad price, as ive asked questions on here before regarding how much i should sell it for and i've gotten responses like ' i wouldnt pay 50 bux for that'.

How do you think i went?




  1. It's quite good; as a full computer $130 Aussie is around right on that for an old complete machine, if you think about what parts can be salvaged/cannibalized for a modern computer $50 is even tad too much especially shipping is a factor in final payment.

    I have almost identical spec old chum I guess I could do the same here.

  2. It sounds just about right. As for those other answers, they are probably US American Y!A users, obviously their sense of price and currency is different compared to Aussies.

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