
Did I approach this the wrong way?

by Guest64535  |  earlier

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So I recently found out my X works at the local community center down the street from where I live... There is a library over there to. So I always used to take my son to the play ground at the community center cause its made for children 2 -5 so he is safe. But, I found out that my ex. boyfriend who I dated over 4 years ago works there... so know everytime I go over there to let my son play i am shaky and nacious and just feel helpless for some reason.

A lil background on why and what happen. About 4 yrs ago he raped me and tried to kill me. I called 911 and he hung up the phone... then when the 911 disbatcher called back... he said there was none there but him... I SCREAMED and yelled... and they sent a few officers over... they had to break down the door cause he wouldnt open it. Well he stabbed me 6 times.And he was put in a mental hospital. thats it nothing else. Then 3 or 4 months ago I saw him at the 711 down the street. I was getting my brother a mountain dew cause he was working and thirsty.... well i looked up from picking up the soda and he was in my face. I couldnt move, talk or even breathe. According to the cashier I was as white as a ghost. H efollowed me to my brother and well my brother is 6'4 and a big burly guy... i.e. not one to mess with... well he tried to get me kicked off the property... didnt work, but he still wont leave me alone.

Well today I was at the library for story time and to let my son pick a couple new books to read. And as I was walking by the community center... I was shaking horribly and the security guard asked it I was ok and I said "yea im fine thanks" Well I turned around and my older brother was there... he wanted me to go tell the director of the community center what happen back then and so I did.... as I was talking to her I was shaking horribly. She said his background check was clear.... well he was a minor... she said she would look into getting him relocated... and to call her if I need anything else... I walked away and now I dunno what to think. I thought I was over the whole thing cause I had seen him and even talked to him... but to know he is around children and close to when i take my son to play... Is scary. If he is ever found around me or my son and tries to do harm me or my child I will kill him... I dunno what else to do... I thought he was outta my life for good... now wat....




  1. Get a restraining order immediately!  The site I am posting is about advocates and how to get them and what they do.  Contact them and they will help you through how to protect yourself legally.  I am sorry this happened to you and wish you serenity

  2. Get the h**l out of town and don't take your kid to the community center.  I know it sucks you have to watch your move but don't you think it is your job as well as thiers to protect  your child....

  3. well ya did the right thing by talking to the director but now ya need to go get some  kind of cousoling for yourself cause what he did was so wrong and even tho phycally hes not with you hes got you emotionally and you need some kind of support system for your emotional that may or not ever go away so please go get yourself some help and say im so sorry that happen to you  so take of you and son           jenny

  4. i'm so sorry! that's horrible! i would be scared too! i think you did the right thing telling them about what happened. and if you have your brother and security guards for protection and people all around as witnesses i think you should be ok!

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