
Did I back stab my mom?

by Guest66977  |  earlier

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Short Story - OK i've been with my boyfriend for about 4 years (almost 5) well we met on line (-_-') and we kind of have a long distance relationship and I tell him everything..and my mom has this friend and she has a son a few years older than she was like she wanted me to talk to him i didn't really want too because it seemed kind of weird but she was like he can take you to the movies blah blah..i said no thank you i told my boyfriend the whole situation..he got a little mad and wanted to talk to my mom, he didn't understand why she wanted me to talk to another man, but now my mom is saying i back stabbed her and all this BS because I told him the situation was i wrong for telling him?

DId i really back stab her?




  1. i dont see how that was back stabbing.  ur mom has to understand that u r with someone already.

  2. Kinda/Sorta.  Just realize that this is your mom and you don't have to report everything she says or does for you to your bf.  

  3. No.  You're mother needs to stay out of your relationship business.  She probably feels you're going to get hurt by your boyfriend, being in a long distance relationship.  Either way, she needs to stay out of your business, if she can't deal with people getting pissed off. :)



  4. I hope this 5 year relationship has not been an on line relationship. if it has your mother had every right to be concerned and want you to physically be involved with someone else.

    And your on line boyfriend has no right to make judgments of your mother at all. She is letting you know in her own way she cares enough to let you know she cares.

  5. Your mother is an adult - you have no right telling your boyfriend everything she does - it's no ones business but your mothers...

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