
Did I completely blow this possible relationship?

by Guest32912  |  earlier

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I met this guy close to the beginning of the year and it I am pretty positive that he was interested. We had a bit of sexual encounter (although s*x never actually took place...) but nothing was awkward after wards. We kind of skipped the 'taking it slow' part completely and then after that night we went back to the 'beginning' of a normal relationship: taking it a bit slower.

However, we are both in college and summer came around. We both left for our respective homes and talked a bit over the summer but not a whole lot. I didn't call too much cause I didn't want to be annoying/needy or something like that.

Now, I realize that we haven't been back at school for too long but I wanted some opinions. Did I blow it? I want to talk to him but I don't want to seem too forward. Suggestions??

By the way, I really like this guy (which is very rare for me) and would really love for this relationship to work out.




  1. Seems to be, you did nothing that wrong, you didn't have s*x, just a lot of heavy, shall we say, making out.

    You didn't bug him over the summer, just kept in touch with each other.

    You didn't say, if he returned your calls, but if were talking, that should fine.

    So sure, get in touch with him when you see him, or call him, just to say hi, and how was your summer, and go from there.

    He may or may not want to, but you will never know, unless you ask.

  2. You haven't blown anything just yet.

    Don't be afraid of seeming too forward, guys like that as much as girls do.  You will know if he likes you and if you think he does, call him up and hang out with him.  My favorite saying is "life is short and then we die"  Don't you dare die without knowing if you guys were supposed to be an item.

  3. No I don't think so make some plans with him to hang out nothing too full on just a movie etc and take if from there.

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