I guess I kind of need to vent because I honnestly do not find this fair, nor do I see anyway that this will help me grow as a person. I went out with my friends and we had lunch together and then I went to their house and lost track of time I was expected home at 3:00 but it wasn't till 3:30 that I looked at the clock and I called my parents imediatly and let them known that I would be home as soon as I could. My mother gave me a good sound spanking with the back of granny's old hairbrush my pride is more injured then my backside, I don't know any people who are still spanked at 13 and then she said when dad gets home I can expect something from him as well. I am grounded for the next month (no tv, phone, friends) I am only allowed to use the computer for 15 minutes 3 times a week. I understad that I worried my parents but I was only 45 minutes late and I did call them to let them no I was safe, and normally I am very responsible and don't come home late.