
Did I deserve this punishment?

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I guess I kind of need to vent because I honnestly do not find this fair, nor do I see anyway that this will help me grow as a person. I went out with my friends and we had lunch together and then I went to their house and lost track of time I was expected home at 3:00 but it wasn't till 3:30 that I looked at the clock and I called my parents imediatly and let them known that I would be home as soon as I could. My mother gave me a good sound spanking with the back of granny's old hairbrush my pride is more injured then my backside, I don't know any people who are still spanked at 13 and then she said when dad gets home I can expect something from him as well. I am grounded for the next month (no tv, phone, friends) I am only allowed to use the computer for 15 minutes 3 times a week. I understad that I worried my parents but I was only 45 minutes late and I did call them to let them no I was safe, and normally I am very responsible and don't come home late.




  1. Wow. That's harsh. My parents usually just yell and move on and no harm done...except maybe my ears. -.-' Explain to your parents that you lost track of time and that you didn't mean for that to happen and maybe they will lift it just a little bit.

  2. no u didnt deserve that is to harsh

  3. That's definately too harsh. I would just ground you for a week, but that's all.

  4. thats rediculas !!! its not like you were out at 3 am !!

    i was always loosing track of time when i was younger but my mum said as long as she knew where i was (eg sent her a txt ) it didnt matter. and i would never have gotten punished that harshly

    id report your parents to child services if i were you , your 13 you are far to old

  5. That is kind of harsh. Was this 3 am or Pm if it was Am they really shouldnt say anything anyone that set thier childs curfew at 3 am has no place to really say anything.

  6. I dont think the spanking was deserved

    And maybe the groundings a little harsh seeing as its summer and us teenagers cant live without our friends...but u did abuse their trust and u prolly worried them.

  7. that is wayyy too harsh, as long as you called, they shouldnt have gotten mad.

    and if they were so worried, they should have been calling you

  8. Yeah thats just rediculous.

    Did you miss something like a wedding or funeral?? Were you supposed to be home to babysit or do something promised? And how did you get home? You can't drive, so shouldn't they be picking you up when they want you home?

    I don't get it. Go talk to a school counselor when school starts up. They can advise you better. Spanking at 13 is definately wrong though. Good Luck!


  10. No not really. But I guess your parents run a very tight ship in  your house. Maybe they are trying to teach a good discipline on you so that you'll be more responsible and trustworthy person when you grow up.

  11. If your mum spanked your bare buttocks then you can actually file assult, battery and sexual charges against her. But yes, you DID NOT deserve that punishment!

  12. yes

  13. It does sound like an over-reaction but I wonder if there is more to your story.

    You are not too old for a spanking.  Many girls get spankings well into their teen years.   (I assume that your a girl.)

    To your credit, you did call as soon as you realized that you were late.

  14. I think that was unfair of your parents to do to you. In my opinion, they shouldn't have the right to spank you & ground you for something so insignificant. You sound responsible and respectful, so I can't think of any reason why they should have the need to be so strict. Then again, I don't know your parents and I suppose everyone has their own parenting style... but like I said, in my opinion, you didn't deserve that. Good luck, I hope everything works out, and maybe your parents will renegotiate the punishment and loosen up a little...? Maybe have a little talk with them about your feelings. Like you said I don't know anyone that still gets spanked at 13 years old, especially in this world we live in today.

  15. that is really harsh your parents are really strict you didnt deserve that maybe you should tell them to lighten up and not spank you lol

  16. I think it is a fine punishment for you if that is what your parents thought was appropriate, I personally don't think anyone else has the right to tell parents how to discipline their child. Obviously they felt it was a good punishment so take it. you will thank them later in life because them being strict will get you places most kids don't even get the chance to get nowadays because their parents don't care enough to discipline them. Take it and learn from it.Good luck.

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