
Did I do Good on My Phone Interview?

by  |  earlier

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Well I just had my phone interview and I did most of the talking…Is that A good thing??? Also they told me they were going to e-mail me an application…Does that mean they’re considering me???




  1. it's really hard for me to honeslty answer this one,

    if they e-mail yo uthe application then send it back.

    sometimes i have no idea what is going on inside an employers mind.

  2. It's a step in the right direction.  The fact that they are asking you to complete an application certainly sounds as if they are interested in you from your phone conversation.  I would still say that this is pretty early on and once they've got your application you will probably be asked to interview again, in person, with either the hiring manager, HR or both.

    Good luck.

  3. Yes, I would believe you would be considered for the position if they followed the interview with 'we will be sending you an application.'  They do the phone interview to weed through those people they aren't even interested in going on to the application process with.

    Good luck!

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