I was supposed to help out with a concert last week. My parents were away so I was home alone and had to take care of our dogs. About two hours before I had to be at the concert, a huge thunderstorm started so I checked the weather network and it said it was going to be like that all day. I called my friend who works for the company that was putting on the show and told him I didn't think I could make it cause one of my dogs CANNOT be left alone when he's that scared. So I said I was going to wait for the storm to stop. About two hours after I was supposed to be at the show, it still hadn't stopped so I sent my friend a text message saying I couldn't make it and apologized. He told me not to volunteer with them again. I volunteered at a few of their concerts before with no problems, and this situation was completely beyond my control. Did I do anything wrong? Is there anything I should do so this doesn't hurt my relationship with my friend?