
Did I do something wrong, or was what I did ok?

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My step-dad was driving me somewhere, and he was listening to the radio (as usual). It was some guy who kept going on and on about how much he hated all these Democrats. The worst thing? My step-dad was enjoying it. He kept saying stuff like "yeah, those people are so pathetic."

After about 20 minutes of that, I tried to ask him to turn the radio down because I was tired of all the negativity, and he just turned it up.

Then when I turned on my phone so I could listen to music (with sound-proof headphones), he told me to stop being rude.

How is that rude compared to what he was listening to on the radio?

Can someone please expain this? =/




  1. You didn't do anything wrong absolutely not! you didn't agree with the political views and your step-dad got upset. he was rude to have turned it up.  

  2. That's not rude! if he wouldn't turn it down, I would've done the same. It was rude of him not to turn down the radio!

  3. He is the one that is rude.


  4. no.

    i would've turned it off

  5. Absolutely not, you did nothing wrong!!!  He's sounds like a radical old pop!!!  hahaha  My father always said "What mom and I believe in is our business, we want our kids to have their own beliefs", I think that's an awesome way to raise your kids!  This may be one of those things you look back on and laugh when you get older!  Remember, the closer it comes to election time the sillier people get.  Don't bother commenting you'll just aggrivate him!  It's like sports playoffs, people get really nutty, listen to your music and tune out the foolishness!  You're gonna be fine :-)))

  6. He probably felt like you were being disrespectful because it was "his car" and "his radio", but you didn't do anything wrong.  Some people are really passionate about their political views, and he sounds like one of them.  And because you don't share his viewpoints he obviously got offended.  Just brush it off as differences of personalities and it's too bad he's too childish to understand!!

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