
Did I do something wrong??????

by  |  earlier

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I was abused in more ways than one by a family member who adopted me when I was a baby because my biological parents couldn't care for me...and the person who took me in was a good provider as far as giving me lots of material things but they were abusive at got to the point that I started to cut myself and I reported it and the police got involved...and the person I reported said that I betrayed them and I shouldn't have told on them after all they had done for me...I am grateful for all they did for me but I just couldn't take the abuse so I told someone.....was it wrong to report someone who took care of me and got me out of foster care even though they put me through alot????




  1. The short answer is no.

    The long answer is still no, but please consider requesting therapy assistance from whatever agency has taken custody of you.  There's a lot going on, and you'll be grateful for professional help in the long run.

  2. No matter how much these people did for you what matters is what they did to you.  You shouldn't allow anyone no matter what position in your life they hold to hurt you.  You are a human being with feelings and deserve better than to be mistreated.  They probably gave you the material things because they thought it would keep you quiet.  There are so many people out there that use the system to their advantage.  You did the right thing.  I hope your situation is better now.  Good luck.

  3. you did the right thing, you did what you had to do. i hope you feel better.

  4. Do not ever feel guilty because you have not done anything wrong. People say, time heels all, and that is what it will take in this situation. Another thing, you have to forgive yourself and move on. Material things only last for a short period of time, but sometime feelings last forever.

  5. No one should ever have to deal with an abusive relationship.  If they think they can be abusive just by repaying you with material possessions then they have a misconstrued concept of moral values. They don't know how to care for someone so they try to buy them off.

  6. You did not do anything wrong, by them saying that you shouldnt have reported them since they got you all those things is like they are trying to bribe you not to tell, so you didnt do anything wrong

    they shouldnt have abused you

  7. Sort depends on exactly what he did.  

  8. nah I think you did the right thing (:

    just because they gave you all of that materialistic stuff, didn't make them good adopter-type parents, or parents in general :|

    would you rather have lots of materialistic stuff, or have parents who love you?

    answer the question, then it's pretty obvious if you made the right decision.

    if you'd rather love, then you didn't do anytihng wrong [:

  9. If you are telling the truth, then no, you did nothing wrong.

  10. Abuse is in no way your fault or something you deserved. Your abuser is an adult and someone who should know the difference between right and wrong. Obviously they didn't and unfortunately that was something that you had to pay for. If there is one thing I can't stress enough its that you didn't deserve to be abused and you should not feel guilty for protecting yourself by telling the police. As an adult your abuser knew the consequences for what they did to you and they resorted to trying to make you feel guilty to cover it up. Cutting is a gateway action to more dangerous behaviour, so try an resist the urge to continue doing it. Try writing in a journal or talking to a good friend/counselor or family member. In fact if you ever feel the need to talk my e-mail address is Hope this helped!

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