
Did I do the Monotetra form justice?

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Letting Go

By: Sher

You were the one who kept us strong,

Restoring me with your love's song,

I don't know how we got it wrong,

For you I long, for you I long.

We did not know that it would peak,

Just like an old and worn antique,

I hide it well but I am weak,

It’s you I seek, it's you I seek.

Hiding there within my eyes,

I try my hardest to disguise,

And mute my broken hearted cries,

I hate goodbyes, I hate goodbyes.

I beg you hold me close once more,

Remember words that you once swore,

There's more to us we must explore,

Don't close that door, don't close that door...

NOTE: This isn't about me, just a random poem




  1. Now this ain't too bad. Actually worth the read, unlike most of the other stuff on this site. (You know who you are.) Now, sher, you've said some naughty stuff about me, but I give credit where I feel it's due, and this is NOT mere reciprocation for your positive comments about my little effort. If you write a duffer I'll tell you.

  2. I have watched you grow as a poet, and now I give you the title. You have become a Poet.

  3. This is excellent - it makes absolute sense, and you haven't tortured a sentence to make the rhyme appear at the end of the flows very naturally.

    I started one, but the sun has shone all to-day - so I've been out - will try to post it later

  4. There ain't no blindfolds on this!  Well done.

  5. Whatever the form, it sings and is lovely as is. Having read

    several of your poems, one knows it is not of you, but of your feelings, of sad event recently. yet it could be of anyone. Kudos.

  6. Take what Elaine P said, and put it in all caps. This is a beautiful, picture perfect monotetra. I'm glad that others have fallen in love with this evocative form of poetry. I find that words seem to fit just right within it. Of course, I can't help but relate the words of your random poem to someone I love so dearly, and I thank you for them.

    Blessed Be in a Perfect Monotetra,


  7. That was a right  monotetra...

    and you have brilliantly done it Sher. It's very soft and  touching

  8. Very well done. I would have liked to see more complex rhymes, like the one you have with eyes/disguise, or peak/antique, but overall this is still a solid home run. You should be proud of yourself--monotetra and it's interesting. I think someone else said "skillfully rendered." I'll just steal that and say it, too.

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