
Did I do the right thing? Am I doing the right thing?

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Ok well my friend (a girl) just recently broke up with her boyfriend and I think she is still kind of hurt. SO I was talking to her last night and I left her a message saying 'Hey (name) i'll talk to you in a few days because I know that your still hurt and sad and I really don't want to be in the way'. Im giving her some time and maybe by sunday i'll talk to her again just to see if she is ok. Ever since her and her bf broke up she has'nt talk much. Am I doing a right thing right now?




  1. no!! u need to be with her and confurte her! wtf!?!? not stay away

  2. hmmm, i wouldn't ignore her. girls dont like that. girls like to talk about things. we don't always NEED a solution, because i know that guys think or feel they need to fix things. but girls don't. we like to talk about it a lot tho.  

  3. just make sure she knows that you'll be there for her if she wants to talk, or if she just wants to forget about it and hang out, or even if she does want to be alone.

  4. It's hard to say what's right and wrong, because everyone is different, and need different things.

    Sometimes when someone's just broke up that's when they really need their friend, even though they are sort of pushing away.

    Tell her to keep a weekend free and plan a weekend of full-on GIRL TIME!

    sometimes girls just need to cry about it. She might talk about it, and be there for her, just listen, don't try to change the topic. It sounds like she needs to talk about it with someones.

    So just rent some of her favourite movies, get some pizza, and ice cream and just have an evening to cry, and hopefully that will help her    get over it.

    Good Luck!!

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