The summer houses fill up after the winter. But we are all year occupants. So I am not in ‘holiday mode’. We live along the ocean and none of the yards are fenced and the kids all run back and forth and have fun playing. I have no problem with this. I am a full time university student from my home and a very busy mother. Also I am an introvert need privacy to feel happy about life. My daughter plays with these kids and they came into my house a few times and I booted them out. The one girl still tries to follow my daughter in, but I told her NO. I am doing university. Also, sometimes in summer I sleep in abit. This same girl has knocked on my door and woken me up 2 times. Another morning I woke up to the loud noise of kids crawling all over my patio! I told ALL the kids to stay off my patio from now on. But that one girl keeps following my daughter up on my patio. Or if I am on my patio having quiet time, she will talk loudly to me from the ground. One morning this girl cam over to my house 3 times in one hour… once just to tell me that my dog wanted in. Another time I went outside and she was in my yard petting my dogs. I told her to NEVER pet my dogs without my or my daughters supervision. You just don’t walk into someone’s yard while they are all in their house and pet their dogs. In short this girl is driving me nuts and doesn’t seem to have a sense of property or boundaries. I try to set limits such as ‘only knock on the door once every few hours and say off my patio’. She will sit on the bottom steps and work her way up to the top (like a dog told to stay and slicks closer and closer you.). So I said to not come on my patio steps at all. I felt like I was getting nit picky, but she didn’t seem to ‘get’ what I am saying. My daughter plays over there, so I don’t want to make a double standard! When my daughter has friends from school over… those kids are staying at my house and so they can come and go as they please… and this girl follows them around in the house, on the patio, and fights with my daughter. I tell her that she is not staying here and needs to stay off the patio and out of the house. To play outside on the grass, but if my daughter or any kids STAYING at my place come in, she can’t. She argues with my daughter alot and I had to go to her house once to fetch my daughter’s journal which she took (which is VERY private.) The journal said ‘I don’t like this girl because’… so I think there was some hurt feelings there. But it should not have been read. This girl comes from a good home and seems to have great parents. I told her dad ‘jokingly’ that I am doing university full time and she can only knock on our door once every 2 or 3 hours. So that got better. She is SO cute and I like her, but she drives me nuts. I find myself getting very angry as I feel that my own space in my own home is invaded and that privacy is gone. I finally talked to her home and told her that I don’t have a fenced yard to set a boundary… and I don’t mind if the kids play on the grass, but please tell your daughter to stay off my patio as I read or do university out there and that is my only quiet place in my yard. Since than that girl and her sister have not come over to play once. I don’t want to offend the family…. I am SO glad that I can go outside now and find that quietness and peace and can relax. But I assume that I offended them as they don’t come over anymore. Did I do wrong or should I have ‘let it go’ and let her run all over my patio and house and just try harder not to feel invaded, even while I am doing full time university and wanting to enjoy quiet time with my baby?