
Did I eat helathy today? Please help me out!! Click Here!! :-]?

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Hello everyone, thanks so much for taking the time out of your day and answering this question! I really appreciate it! :) .

Anyways this is what I ate today:

Breakfast: about 2 cups of cereal (honey bunches of oats with strawberries!) and some milk! (I didnt have skim milk!)

Lunch: a little fried chicken (i just took 3 small bites, dont worry, i know fried food is bad for us!) . Then I ate this pastry. Its bread and honey! So I took a little piece of bread and I put a little honey on the bread!

Dinner: white rice, steamed carrots, salad, and a little chicken!

Snack: 90 cal. Kellog's snack

Here Are My Questions I Want Answered Please:

- Did I Eat Enough Today?

- Did I Eat Healthy?

- AROUND how much calories did I eat today? (If you dont know say something like "you ate around 1000-1600 cal.". Make A Range!

Answer ALL THREE of my questions in ORDER please! Be Honest! Thank You! Have A Great Day! Bye. ♥




  1. breakfast- 2 cups of honey bunches of oats cerial w/ strawberries = 260 calories (130  a cup) with milk probably added 100 calories.

    total breakfast=360 calories

    lunch-3 small bites of fried chicken like idk =50caliries?

    the honey pastry thing probably =200 calories (idk how big?)

    total lunch=250 calories

    dinner-white rice=300 caliories  (how much rice i estimated 1 serving size?)

    steamed carrots and salad=50 calories (without dressing?)

    chicken=150 calories

    total dinner= 500 calories

    snack= 90 calories

    Total calories for the day probably 1,200 calories based on a guess. I couldnt calculate it well because you didn't tell me how much you had of everything.

    You ate enough today, you could probably go without the fried chicken and it was healthy.

    Sorry this is a hard question but i hope i helped :]

  2. all was good the fried chiken was ok but it be better to eat lean red meats! the bread has alot of calories thoughchange white rice to brown, you ate around 2300 cals.

    other methods of staying healthy is eating  an just staying active.

  3. Yes, I would say you ate enough, probally not too much or too little. Did you eat healthy? Ahh, it could of been worse. Instead of white rice try brown. But, really it was pretty good. I even eat some stuff I shouldn't like french toast and pancakes with syrup and butter for breakfast. :)

    A little bad food dosen't ruin the whole day. Sometimes I eat a whole large pizza after a long endurance workout.

  4. ur breakfast was a bit too sugary.

    all in all ur dinner was the healthies...except for white rice..change it to brown rice.

  5. the fried chicken ruined you for the whole day! next time dont touch the fried food.

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