
Did I get my hopes up too soon??

by  |  earlier

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OK-- so I took a Digital HPT when I got home from work today, and it read "Pregnant". I did a happy dance, I was so excited. Then just because I wanted another confirmation, I took another HPT-- this one was not digital-- it was a First Response Early Reponse. This one was a BFN. I think I see a tiiiiiiny line, but I could be hallucinating-- that's how faint it is. Could the digital one be wrong?? Why am I more willing to trust in the negative than the positive test. Anyone experience this?? I don't know what to think....




  1. no your prego congrats im happy 4 you

  2. i have taken 4 tests and im still not completly convinced...its what us women do lol we doubt what we want and expect what we dont want.......

    if there was a line faint or not..its still a line....i would say your pregnant. a false positive is rare..maybe do a diff test altogether if your unsure...or..and i know it will be horrible to wait..but wait a few days so the levels build up and test again..

    im pretty sure your pregnant...

    my first test was faint..the second i could hardly see..but the next morning with crystal clear test i got a big bold positive :) two lines..clear as can be..

    so it may jsut be the test..who knows..

  3. Reread the first response directions. Two things I can think of if your early in your pregnancy it would cause it to be faint do to a lower level of hcg but faint doesn't mean no line!! Or I took one with my third baby and one of the lines were faint so I went out and bought a new one and later realized that the faint line was actually the line to show it was working not the positive line. So exciting Lots of luck!!

  4. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! ! !

    It said you were pregnant and any faint line is a line which means the hCG was detected! So exciting!!!! Keep on dancing sweetie! so happy for you!!! xoxox

  5. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S

  6. A faint line is still a line. The digital tests make it so you don't have to decipher lines. You're suppose to use your first urine in the morning for a HPT so it depends when you took the tests. Congrats!

    If you still don't believe it, have your doctor do a blood test.

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