
Did I handle this the right way?

by  |  earlier

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For example, you were about to sell a 35" rear projection tv to this friend. My friend who I'm talking about does is bipolar and has anger management issues. At the time, he wanted to get the tv for this one girl that he thought he would "get laid" after getting the tv (which wouldn't have happened because the girl is using him and he doesn't know it).

Anyways, he all of a sudden showed up at my house. Called but I never picked up because it read private caller on the phone (don't pick up those calls) and he just showed up. He was about to pick up the tv and we carried it to the front door and then he didn't have the money for the tv ($150 at the time) so "apparently" went to the bank.

Then I had a bunch of friends over and his twin brother was over. I didn't invite the other brother who I was selling the tv over because they don't get along. He saw that his brother's car was parked in the driveway and called (didn't bother to go in the house) and said "get this car out of the driveway). He didn't specify what car because two were at the back. So I went out and asked. He then walked over to his brother's car and tried to air out the car tires. He then drove off and didn't even offer me any money to say keep this for later or anything. I just thought he backed out of the deal.

Then his brother heard that I was about to sell the tv to him. He offered more money for it ($160) and said I didn't have to pay him $40 for a hat of his I lost so things worked out. He was going to buy it for his girlfriend. So it was a done deal. The other brother heard about this the next day and flipped. I lied about it all and said that I sold it to a friend at work, so that the two wouldn't fight. He started insulting me and yelling and screaming on the phone. So I just hung up on him. I haven't really talked to the guy since and kind of don't want to. Now what I'm leaving out, is that the one brother who isn't bipolar has been saying that his brother has been stabbing me in the back. Saying things about me to his friend (who he thinks he'll get laid with) and just insulting me. One in particular was that I'm stupid and gullible. So, I was pissed off about that and decided to sell the tv to his brother to get back at the guy. Just to say, if you stab me in the back, the same will happen. I felt guilty about it, but the guy had it coming. He has done things in the past that back up what his brother has been saying. He borrowed a gt of mine and threw it in the river (they used it to put it behind a boat and have some fun), he never returned a dvd of mine and still owes me money.

If you were in the same situation, what would you have done? Also, do you think I handled this the right way? How can I improve my friendship? Or is that already lost?




  1. you assume too much. you assumed that he no longer wanted the tv. so then you tried to get the next best deal. i mean, you were just doing what was best for you at the time. but its not like you met these  guys off craigslist. He was your friend. I think that you should apologize to the first brother, and try to get your friendship back. bc you KNEW that he is bipolar and has some anger issues. as far as getting the tv back, i think that is a lost cause bc you already sold it.

    so basically apologize to twin number one and make it up to him somehow.

    hope this helps!  

  2. Nope, lying is NEVER appropriate.

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