I think I had a miscarriage today. :( It also happened back in December (I was one and a half months along) and this time, I was also, one and a half. However, this time, I didn't have a chance to test or anything, but it was Identical to that day back in December. I had REAL bad Cramps and back pain. I was in so much pain, that I was literally shaking, and I began to sweat. (I don't sweat much, either, I'm usually cold all of the time) Well, about an hour ago, I went to the bathroom, and I found a clot, the size of a lima bean, AND it looked like it had a little cord coming out from it. (umbillical cord....) It looked the same as the last one...I didn't fall or anything...Last month's period was extremely light, and now, this month, it's Miscarriage. I'm bleeding a lot more than normal, too, but that's almost subsided now. well, I call it a miscarriage, but it might not have been. What do you think? I know clots are normal, but clots that look like this....no, It can't be a clot. I was just wondering if you all agree or what?