
Did I have a happy childhood? My dad always took me boating. Of course, he used me as his anchor. Is this why?

by  |  earlier

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I am still in therapy?




  1. Sounds like you had a good time and he made you feel useful.

  2. i remember my childhood experience where i was wagered for $500.

  3. Is this a joke?

  4. Don't understand what you are try to more specific. :)

  5. at least you learned to could of been worse, cowboy up, get over it, get out of therapy

  6. At least he didn't say he was taking you water skiing and use you to troll for alligators!  LOL  Hey, you are a survivor.  Enjoy the therapy honey.

  7. no ur not!!

  8. had a f*cked up childhood if your dad did that

    Well...atleast you got to experence nature and be a part of it

  9.    We misunderstand many things from our childhood.The anchor was a metaphor for stability, your father wanting you to remain and not be chewed up by the demands of the deep.Close at home, entrails and all.Therapy will help you through this. There is nothing fishy about this. Don't drag yourself through the muck.You are not a bottom feeder.Don't think of him as using you for an anchor or as your master. Bait him, and survive.

  10. this doesnt make sense. rewrite the question.

  11. No you're not in therapy anymore.

  12. g*y...

  13. haha and I thought I was the only one!

  14. umm mayb n he use u as his wat?

  15. is that a medephor?  

  16. man that sucks did you ever catch a fish just wondering

  17. what do you mean?

  18. don't whine

    at least he took you boating

    that's more than many others can say


  19. People tend to exaggerate things that happened to them when they were younger because they didn't really understand what was going on.  You're dad used you as an anchor?!  Maybe he was just trying to have fun with you by throwing you in the water!  Stop blaming your problems now on your parents.

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