
Did I have a mental breakdown?

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I was walking with my mom and I stated to get flashbacks to when I was molested. I just ignored it, but they coming back and it got harder to ignore and for some reason. Then I started to run. I ran and ran till I wanted to pass out then I started bawling. It suck because I was still out of breath from the run. There was actually moment where I couldn't breath at all. I cried for about an hour.

This was one of the times I had the same feelings. I'm not sure if it counts as a mental breakdown but, I'm not sure what to call it.

I was over at a friends we were talking and I started to get more flashbacks(I know they suck I can't control them)I started to get this huge headache. So I left them and went walking. I don't know what happen but it got harder to think. My mind was getting cloudy and I started talking to myself. I sat down for a couple of minutes but when I got back up My legs were so week. I could barley walk.

So what Is it normal for a 15 year old? Am I going insane?




  1. You are absolutely not insane.  I am so sorry that you have been abused, you didn't deserve it.  It sounds like you are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, but putting a label on it won't help you.  You should talk to your parents, see your family doctor, and get the counselling that you need to overcome this.  It is very normal to feel this way, after what you have experienced.   I will pray for you, and I'm not even religious (hopefully God hears my  It just breaks my heart that this has happened to you at such a young age.  You will get through this, and you will be a stronger person for it.  

  2. I am young as well. So many frightening horrible things happened too me too. I rather not compare but lets just say ive had it rough. I understand what your going through. The same thing happened to me during class. Its just one of those days when you cant shake off the memory. Then everything goes cloudy and reality is non-exixtant. I know its hard but your not crazy and you are not alone. You just have to move. I know this is weird and harsh but theres nothing left to do but move on. If you want to get rid of this thats what you  have to do. I cant say that your cured. Thats it..but just remember that your not alone. Me and you we have something special. We are not nieve we know more things about the world and carry burdens that no one can imagine. I take martial arts. It makes me feel strong and safe when my memories make me feel scared and insecure. So try running, its easy enough to do and you can do it whenever you want. Also when you dont feel like being with friends just tell them that you dont really want to hang out. They might ask or they might not. You dont have to say anything you dont want to. If you want someone to talk with you can always talk to me. You dont have to tell your story its just nice to know your not alone and someone went through similar things. Just stay strong and carry no guilt.

    Good luck.

  3. This is normal for someone who went through a very stressful experience. I had something similar happen, but when I was older and under a lot of stress. Memories just came flooding out and it was overwhelming. But you can't run from it, because, no matter where you go, there you are.

    Find a counselor or psychologist you can open up to and discuss things with. Get it out of you instead of trying to hold it in. Does your mom know about this? You should talk to her first and she can help you find a therapist. Good luck!

  4. no, i think unless you insane, your to young to have a mental break down, but you should see a Doctor

  5. You are having panic attacks..I also am a victim of sexual abuse and have gone through extensive counselling as an adult..I would suggest to go to doctor and get something to keep you from mind are not going insane you are dealing with something that you don't know how to handle..You need to learn to a sexual abuse centre and get some counsellings and you will find you are not alone...all sexual abuse councilperson have been through it also  i promise they cant tell you that but i guarantee on it...certain foods can contribute to the attacks besides the flash backs...caffeine,chocolate dark pop need to read to understand yourself...the more you talk about your abuse to the detail you will be able to handle those flash backs..perfume can give us anxiety also..just remember you are not just having anxiety you are having panic attacks...when you start to feel this way...close your eyes and breathe in your nose out your mouth,drink a cold glass of water keep drinking if need to be,slow yourself will go away if you just go with it ,if you fight it it will go on what will seem forever..I took very mild dose of lorazapam for the mind racing try to stay away from antidepressants they take your feelings away and you will not deal with the past...good luck to are not going crazy you are not having a heart attack  read on to someone...I will pray for is also a good way to deal with the feelings..close your eyes and pray for calmness guidance etc

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