
Did I have a miscarriage??

by  |  earlier

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I was expecting my period about a week and a half ago and it never came..I decided to take an at home pregnancy test a few days ago and it said positive but today I thought I may have started my period because I was spotting, but then withing a few hours I had so much heavy bright red bleeding which I have never experienced before, minor cramps but not very bothersome, and 2 large clots prolly the size of a normal cookie!! I know I should go to the doctors and I already plan on making an appointment, I was jus wondering if others have experienced this and did it turn out to be a miscarriage?




  1. who knows.. but u still can get your period if your pregnant.  still go see a doctor, he or see will know the truth

  2. This has happened to me twice.  The first time I had a miscarriage.  I was so sad.  Then a few months later I became pregnant again...and the same thing happened, I was totally crushed but went to the hospital (if your body doesn't clean out a miscarriage on its own you have to have a DNC done)  So, when I went to the hospital in tears they told me it was more than likely a miscarriage but would do an ultra sound just in case, and the baby was FINE!!!  And now she is 5 months old!!!  I had to stay in bed for almost three weeks I think and had to get family to help watch my older daughter, but I have my second daughter and I love her so much.

    Go see your doctor please.  Even if you miscarried there is still potential danger if you are not properly taken care of.

    edit--with the second time I passed a blood clot the size of the palm of my hand and my baby was fine.  Each case is different...please just stay OFF your feet and see a doctor.

  3. go check wif a doctor NOW!

  4. It may have been a false pregnancy test.

    But I would go to the doctors ASAP.

  5. It could of been a chemical pregnancy where the sperm and egg don't fertilize properly,

    You get a positive test then normally a negative test then you get a period some times heavier sometimes women don't even know they were pregnant because its just like  a period

  6. I have never had a miscarriage but I would say that,sorry to tell you,you did.One of my husbands cousins had a miscarriage,I am not sure how far along she was but she did the same thing.And those blood clots DO NOT look to be normal at all. Im not sure if the doctor would be able to tell you anything since im assuming you did not go to the dr when you found out.But go anyways ,maybe they can tell you if you were.Or just to be safe and make sure there is nothing seriously wrong. Im sorry for your loss,that is if you were expecting.

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