
Did I have the right to "snap back" at court?

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I went to court a few days ago regarding a traffic ticket. I don't know how other municipal court hearings work but basically I sat in a room for an hour with dozens of other people there for the same reason and we were called up one at a time to talk to an attorney who represents the local city, and then the judge.

Well, the attorney asked about my employment and I told him I worked at a video store. He made the remark to me: "You call that a job?" and snickered, so I told him "I get a paycheck and I'm paying my taxes just like you are, so yeah, I do." and he made me go sit back down and had me be the very last person to be seen. Basically, he was being a colossal jerk.

The incident didn't effect my court appearance or anything, i'm just wondering if it's considered inappropriate for me to say what I said? Or am I right in thinking that the attorney was the one who was out of line?




  1. no not at all you have the right to do that  

  2. He was way out of line . Acting appropriate goes both ways and he overstepped with his mouth. You could have retorted with much worse and gotten away with it . Who the h**l is he?

  3. eww that attourney is an @$$

  4. sue him, lol defamation or something stupid ha ha i dont even know what that is but you might. give him a taste of his own medicine!!!!! ha ha ha that cracks me up..

  5. Good for you.

  6. I think you had every right to defend yourself the way you did.  The attorney was in the wrong for asking that inappropriate and insulting question.  

  7. you need to learn when to keep your mouth closed.  Yes he was a jerk but in your case I think you should have been quiet.  He was there to help you and you need to learn that adults are tired of helping smart mouth kids that have gotten into trouble. Everyone has an off day but you did wrong to be there in the first place.  You need to be humble and accept you were in the wrong. Use this as a learning experience  and try to stay out of trouble.  

  8. He was out of line but hey what are you going to do?  You can't fight city hall or lawyers.

  9. Hey you go girl! The lawyer needs to find some class and get his head out of his BIG FAT A*s! This is what I HATE about some lawyers; their ego's get way too big while their junk in the trunks are tiny. lol You have every right to speak any way you want to a lawyer. He/she is working for you/ NEVER pay a lawyer their full fee until they do their job. YOU have right to counsel and these lawyers are SUPPOSE to be doing the best job possible to defend you. That is your constitutional rights. I think He should have respected the fact that you were working at all. You handled yourself just fine.

    You CAN'T however be disrespectful to the JUDGE or the Bailiff! Never ever!    

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