I have a friend who introduced me to a guy through her church. He seemed really nice and was great talking to. I've went to her church a couple of times and we've always had some sort of conversation, either with a group or alone. So about 2 weeks ago I texted him about something random like guitar tips and we ended up in a texting conversation for 5 hours straight! That next night I texted him with something random, and lasted for a decent amount of time and was repeated the next night. In one of my texts, I asked him what his first impression of me was when we first met. He said I seemed a bit shy, but cool, and pretty. So I texted back and said I thought he was cute and funny. So I asked if we wanted to hang out sometime, and we set up a time to hang out over the weekend which became sunday. We walked around the city, etc.. He hugged me hello and goodbye, smiled a lot, complimented me, paid for our lunch, and always made eye contact. He was always into the conversations on the phone and in person, and was totally up for a day out. But did I plan a date, or did we just "hang out"? He texted me just now saying he had a lot of fun.. hehe. I think I like him.