
Did I make the football team?

by  |  earlier

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Im 12 almost 13 years old and went to a camp where my coaches examined all the players that where going to try out for the school football team. Here are my statistics:

40 yard dash: 5.09

Catching: pretty good probably 2nd or 3rd best in camp

Running: Ok I am NOT bragging here but i was probably the best or 2nd best runner there.

My attitude was great, never questioned a coach never asked why, nothing.

The coaches did notice me, I got an award on the 2nd day of the 4 days of camp. The award is for Effort and Excellence in the drills and positions. Only 2 people in my grade get it a day.

If you want me to add anything else then just post it =D

Thank you guys so much




  1. If you are Exagerating so much...


  2. 5.09 40 @ 12 you are either a freak of nature or a bad liar!

  3. what position do you play? Yes you probably made the team. But you  tell me, do you think you made the team?

  4. If you're not lying, then why in the world are you even asking?!?!?!? you probably didn't making because it seems like you're not a team player. =/

  5. If that's all real, there is no doubt you won't make the team. Your stats are almost as good as mine and I'm 14.  

  6. guys what is so hard to believe about basically a 13 year old running a 5.09. thats not blazing fast or anything. no offense or anything dude thats above average for your age. to answer your question it all depends on what you do in pads. but all that stuff definetly doesnt hurt your chances

  7. Here's what matters:  Can you run 5.09, catch the ball consistently, and get awards for effort and excellence after 2 hours of practice in 90 degree heat?   Do you crave contact?  Would you sacrifice your body to block some huge kid on every play, if that meant winning the game?  

    If yes, then you'll make the team AND be a good ball player.  Look around during summer practice.  When everyone else is tired and whining and laying around, that's when you have to step it up.  The coaches will notice and you'll get your shot.

  8. you will make the team and have a good future

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