
Did I mess up when I sent this text?

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Man I think I messed up. My gf and I are going through some problems and I sent her a text that said "I need you...not in a dependent way but rather in a I love you and miss you way." Did I mess up by sending that text? We haven't spoken in a couple of days and I just wanted her to know that I love her.

Did I mess up? Did I send the wrong message to her by saying "I need you?" I didn't mean it like I'll die without you or that I'm just a clingy mess or anything. I just wanted her to know that though it's been a couple of days without her I'm missing her presence. Maybe I should have said that instead? How can I fix that f*uck up?




  1. Nah.. all is good.. just wait.. don't seem desperate.. you have said what you need to say.. she needs time to think/respond..Ifi you bring it up, you will seem clingy... or desperate.. it doesn't matter what you should have said.. you said what was on your mind at the time.. you cannot control what, or how she feels.. you can only express your feelings... she has to decide how to handle that...

  2. I don't think you messed up, I think it's romantic for you to say that you need her. Need is stronger than want (to me). I think you make a bigger impact saying I *need* you rather than I *want* you.You didn't have to be all logical and say "not in a dependent way" but still I think overall it is good.

  3. You asked as the person receiving the text.  So which are you?  

  4. Were I the woman on the receiving end of that txt, it would make me smile.

    Someone else here said it was too logical, with the explanation of the way you meant the "I need you" but I thought it perfectly in line with your feelings.

    It sounded just perfect to me, not a mess up.

    And yes when you talk to her next, don't mention the text unless she does. It isn't a big deal, and if you specifically bring it up it'll probably make what was a beautiful txt into something slightly awkward.

    But feel free to say that you missed her presence, when you see her again! That'll get brownie points ;)

  5. I don't think you did wrong but the best line is "I could probably live without you, but I don't want to"....its a great one.   You don't want to look needy but depending on her it might help?!  good luck

  6. dont do anything. relax.....  dont even SAY anything about it when you talk

    the only way you could have messed that up is if there was a problem w/ you being clingy. if not, no worries.....

  7. text are so impersonal. you should have written her a letter and mailed it to her. Needing someone can mean so many different things. Ponder that and write what you really mean. details. Women like details.

    Were you by any chance the cause of the problems you are going through? If so, that puts a whole new spin on things.  

  8. start looking for another chick , dude, cuz you done messed this one up.  

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