
Did I miss Obama's "Speech Bounce"? Anyone see anything other than this?

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  1. Obama didn't get the bounce, it was more like a dribble, too bad.

  2. Sarah Palin not only took the wind out of Obama's sails; she took the bounce out of his speech.

  3. Yes, he's starting to bouce.  The latest gallup poll showed an 8 point lead, plus rasmussen had him at 4.   Check it out:

  4. it was negated by McCains announcement of Palin as his running mate.

  5. I think McCain's VP pick bounced out Obama's bounce.

  6. I don't expect any bounce from either convention.  But 40 million people saw Obama, and I guarantee McCain won't get anywhere NEAR that.

  7. There has not been any polling since his speech.  Last polling was done thursday afternoon and that gave him an eight point lead over McCain.  It will be real interesting to see the bounce he gets from that speech, after all 38,000,000 people watched!

    The Gallup polls are done the previous day of the published poll except on weekends.  Therefore the poll from Obama's speech has not been released yet.

  8. All this bouncing. I'm feeling like the kid that upset a whole shelf of super-balls at the dime-store, years ago. [I swear, I didn't do it!]

    I miss Ron Paul. This is an "election", after all.


  9. Sarah Palin took it away from him.

  10. Did Obama give a speech? I hadn't noticed. Probably just promised a lot of stuff anyway.

  11. Obama is enjoying a 8 point bounce from the convention in general according to the latest gallup poll. But to be fair, there was a 4 point bounce from when Hillary, Bill and Biden spoke.

  12. Wait, you actually get your news from a site called Hot Air? Wow, I didn't think the right wing blogs would have such accurate names.

    And yes, there has been a speech bounce,

    They were nearly tied before, now Obama is up a few more points.

  13. No you did not miss anything, it was a load of hot air

  14. Did Obama give a speech?

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