
Did I miss it or have the major networks just decided to not report about Edwards caught cheating on his wife?

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Its been a couple of days now, ABC, NBC, CBS, Even Yahoo news has blocked it




  1. I don't watch the liberal points of view but I don't doubt it!

  2. they love the guy so they will try to bury the story for as long as they can... Thank God for the Internet!!  they will have cover it just so they won't look at hypocritical as he does right now.

  3. Who cares?

    watch soup operas!

    Fox Jews ? lol

    We are at war against terrorism and communism, and you are worry about that c**p!

    That's why America is so weak!

  4. the report was confirmed by fox from a hotel security guard that edwards was leaving the hotel and the enquirer was tipped off that edwards was there. he hid in the bathroom for about 15 minutes until hotel security escoted him out. the hotels confirms edwards was not a registered guest and "supposedly" there is video of edwards leaving the room of a guest, at 2:30 am. the video also shows a woman entering the room at an earlier time. thatis all that was confirmed. this is much worse that larry craig but it is not being reported, hmmmmmm. this important because edwards is being consider as a possible v.p. or attorney general. those who think this is a non issue are wrong.

  5. I heard a rumor about this though I haven't heard anything on the news anywhere.  Please elaborate with links if possible.  The info must come from somewhere.

  6. h**l, his wife is going to croak soon.

    Just look at them. How would you like to be as good looking and successful as Edwards (even though he's a Liberal moron) and be married to a fat, diseased Hog?

    I'm sure this isn't Edward's first affair.

  7. The major networks are too busy trying to conceive Obama's love child to cover any other democrats.

  8. I am a conservative, and I completely understand why there has been no reporting.  The "National Enquirer" is hardly a reputable organization.  

    I wish John Edwards and his ill wife well.  If anything credible surfaces, I'm sure that it will get some coverage, but I hope that for Elizabeth Edwards' sake this is a bunch of nonsense.  God bless her.

  9. I don't think they blocked it. They probably just think we don't care.

    Who cares about  Edwards?

    Maybe you, just because it gives you another reason to spite someone.

  10. The report was in the enquirer. I guess the only reports they publish that are true are the ones about britnay spears and the hollywood bad girls. Gee, what will this do to his chance as VP?

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