
Did I not open up enough options for myself?

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I'm a senior in high school, and for the longest time I was planning on attending a cosmetology school and getting a degree from a community college so that I could own a spa someday... but lately I've been losing interest and am much more interested in attending a four-year university. I haven't taken any Advanced Placement or Honors classes, and I only went up to Algebra 2. But I got a 30 on my ACT's and am in the top 10 percentile of my class. I also haven't been on any college visits (although I'm really only considering Iowa State and University of Iowa), and have mostly been sheltered my whole life and never experienced being away from home. I'm just worried I haven't opened up enough options for myself and I don't know if there's anything else I can do.




  1. I never took honors classes, but I had a good GPA and did well on my ACT's (30 is good!!) and I got a scholarship to my state's 4 year university. Try looking at the school's website and see what the requirements are for admission. If you are sheltered then go to a college where you can live at home for a while and commute, then when you are ready you can move out.

    And sorry to say but I would ditch the idea of owning a spa for now it is very very hard to start a business without any experience

  2. This happens to a lot of retarded hgh school students.

    You can't own your own business unless you have money to invest.  In this case, you'll probably need 500k.

    How do you think Donald Trump became a real estate mogul?  Yeah he's smart but his father was rich and gave him millions to invest in hotels...

    Go to a 4 year university.  You are smart.  Community College sucks and is for the dumb people.

  3. you should look up the avg act scores and gpa for those universities you could always take an honors class now and if you got good grades in the past im sure they will let you in. And don't worry I am only going to go up to algebra 2 as well. Just work really hard your 1st semester and do some research you should be fine.  

  4. University of Iowa is a good school and it seems as though your scores match their profile. I suspect you are not as bad off as you suspect. If you are able to apply to the University of Iowa I would do it and see what happens. Even if you do not want to attend University of Iowa there are a lot of good schools within a days drive of the University of Iowa such as:

    1) University of Nebraska

    2) University of South Dakota

    3) University of Minnesota (Twin Cities - main campus)

    4) University of Wisconsin (Madison)

    5) University of Chicago

    6) DePaul University

    7) Northwestern

    8) Marquette

    9) University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee

    So if you want to get away from home there is a lot of options for you.  

  5. You'll be fine.  Do not eliminate going to a local college for two years first.  It will not only make it easier to enter a university but will give you confidence and break you in slowly to getting out in  the 'big world'.  

    As far as changing career choices, it happens to us all... sometimes we change our minds and then sometimes life pops up and smacks us in the face.  

    Wanted to be a police officer like my father, but before I went down I was offered a good salary to be an auto tech....and I had a young family, so....

    But just about the time I was burning out on that I got the opportunity to work in the film industry.  Now, I feel that I've found my nitch.  So, don't fret, it's normal.  Some people don't find their spot till their forties, some never do.

    Take the pressure off yourself, give yourself some wiggle room and register at a good two year college and show em you can bring top grades to the Big Game.  

    Besides, you may have another change of heart.  So much happens to a young person in that particular two years of their lives.  The fact that you are thinking about it shows us a lot.  Your parents should be proud.  1 star, for being a thinker!

    Get out there and go for it.  The best of luck to u young lady.

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