
Did I offend her? Would this be offensive to you?

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So I met another mom at the gym and we have gotten together twice with our kids and really seem to "click". She is very down to earth and has a great sense of humor. So, today we were chatting and I just straight up asked her who she would be voting for. She looked surprised that I asked and I said that I didn't mean to sound so abrupt. We talked about it and had a good conversation with differing opinions... all was peaceful, but do you think that she was offended

by this? Is it kind of like asking someone how much money they make or what religion they are? I am a straight-shooter and was just making conversation. It seems a little old school to me to not be able to ask a simple question, but I certainly don't want/mean to offend anyone! What do you think?

Thanks. I'm 34 and she is like 31 or so. If it matters.




  1. Three things you *never* talk to coworkers and new friends about: Religion, Money and Politics. I don't know if she was offended but she may have been a bit taken aback. It's quite possible she might have thought you would be judging her on her political choice (as so many do these days). I don't talk about these things with anyone other my close friends and family members.  

  2. Politics and religion are very personal topics and should be approached with caution.  More arguments come from these two subjects.  She probably was surprised that you asked her that, especially, since you don't know her that well.  

  3. NO I am sure she is not offended and she is open minded .. however ''Politics'' is a subject that's like a double edged sword.. if someone has strong opposing opinions that can ruin a friendship that's why with another open minded person I would feel comfortable to discuss anything and almost everything but I would leave religion and politics out of it.. it can lead to misunderstandings.. I am sure it is ok but I would not broach the subject again and instead talk about anything else you can think of.. xx

  4. If you said the conversation went well then I'm sure you didn't offend her. It's just that to some people voting is considered a touchy subject and maybe she thought you would be real strict about it or something. It wouldn't really be offensive to me cause I'm more laid back but I think most people would be afraid of getting into an argument.

  5. I don't think you offended her but took her completely off guard.I am a straight shooter also and can be to open and I dont think before I just shoot off. It's fine really.

  6. ppl are waaaaayy toooooo sensitive now. its just a question. if she got offended, its better to know now that shes a tight a$$. if you are a "straight shooter" maybe shes not the one for you if she cant handle it.  

  7. Ah, don't worry about it too much.  A general rule, although discussing politics with friends is just fine, asking blatantly "who are you voting for" is generally a question to avoid.  She'll get over it, probably has.  I doubt she was offended.

    Maybe next time something more like, "So, who do you think will win?"  Usually people will answer with the one they want to win ;-)

  8. an etiquette expert once said its impropor to discuss your political views.. she was on ellen i think  

  9. I don't think you offended her but took her completely off guard.I am a straight shooter also and can be to open and I don;t think before I just shoot off.

  10. There are actually dummies out there who won't share who they're voting for because they have almost a "wish upon a star" type attitude about it.  "If I tell you it won't come true."  Stupidity.  Sounds like what happened here.  Don't worry about it.

  11. not at all..maybe she's a bit more sensitive than usual people? or maybe she was surprised at first and then when she knew your opposing view she took it too seriously?

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