
Did I overreact? What do you honestly think about this???

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When I go to the beach I don't really like go under the water. Like i'll swim but I don't really like to go under the water Id rather just tie up my hair and swim with it up. I don't like to go under the water because my hair is REALLY long and its not naturally straight so I straighten it and when it gets wet it gets out of control anyways..

Yesterday I went to the beach with my boyfriend and he knows I'm not one to go underwater (and it usually doesn't bother him) but yesterday he got all mad at me for it. So today on the phone with him I pretty much told him off for it. Like I didn't yell, swear or even raise my voice I just said "I don't understand why it bothers him so much..and that it never bothered him before and he knew that i was like that from the beginning of our relationship. I also said that I don't understand why he needs me to go under and why couldn't he just do his own thing and not worry about whether i go under or not and that none of my ex's cared about this so why would he"

He didn't get mad back. He didn't even say anything. He just pretty much let me talk and then after I was done he just told me that he had to go eat and that he'd see me tonight.

What do you honestly think about all this???

Shouldn't he of at least said something back??




  1. I think he was just taking it all in and letting you talk I don't think that you should get that mad at him for not saying asnything back. I do think that you overreacted a little bit because it's just water and you can get mad at him but not  that you need to say all that stuff to him.

    Just chill out I think your fine just don't push it.

  2. He doesn't understand whatsoever why you didn't go under the water.  Even if you told him why he still doesn't get it.  Girls have pressure to look nice and they spend time and money doing so which is great and fine.  Guys want to play.  He thought it was silly because he prob didn't care if you messed your hair.  Thats disrespectful to a girl though because he didn't care and that set you off.  But he just doesn't understand because guys don't have to deal with long hair and make up and pressures like that

    can you blame him i don't know...but he honestly doesn't understand so don't be too mad

  3. Well, I think he just wanted to have 100% fun with you this time at the beach.  He may not care if you do or do not get your hair wet usually, but maybe every now and then he just wanted to to let loose and have fun with no restrictions.  He doesn't care if your hair gets messed up!  Give him a kiss and an "I'm sorry" and plan something else fun for the two of you to do!   Good luck!

  4. I don't see why it's such a big deal.

    Really, you should have both forgotten it by now, and the fact that it's still an issue seems strange.

    It really bothers him that much that you didn't go underwater? That's something that doesn't affect him at all. Makes me think he may be a very controlling person.

    If it's still a problem, I'd take that as a warning sign that he might try to control you in more serious ways later on. Don't feel obligated to stick with him!! I'm not saying to break up with him over this, but just take it as a red flag that there might be something weird with him.

    Or maybe he was just cranky that day. Only you know for sure.

  5. Do I think you overreacted...absolutely. It just seems like your bf was just trying to have some fun with you and seeing if maybe this time you will loosen up about your hair issue..and maybe he didn't want to go under alone. Stop thinking about yourself, and just live a little..even if it means..god forbid your hair gets wet! Because the world will indeed cave in on itself if that happens! Ok sorry for the sarcasm. And it doesn't matter if you weren't yelling or was probably highly annoying for your bf sitting and listening to your same bull c**p about your hair. I'm sure for that day it wouldn't of been a big deal. So I'd apologize about being all anal about and next time you go to the beach..maybe uumm go under the water and have some fun with him, and he will see that you do care and you want to have fun with him even if it means to wet your precious hair.

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