So I'm a good size guy, about 6'2, 220. I'm walking along at night around the lake by my house and all of a sudden I hear a girl call over, "Hi" she says. I kind of gaze back and respond "Hi". She asks me what I'm doing, I state the obvious, that I'm walking.
She then asks me to do her a favor. It turns out she's there with another girl and a guy. The guy was sitting on the bench with the other girl. No, this is not going to get perverted. She asked me to take a pic of the three of them. I agree (since I'm not an a*****e, most of the time).
She hands me the camera and I go to take the pic. I could tell the guy had a bit of an arrogant air around him, and he says "If you try to take the camera, I'll chase you, I'm a former lacrosse runner". I was kind of taken aback, since here I am doing these idiots a favor and the guy has the gaul to suggest that I'm going to jack their camera (it was a crappy one too that went out before I could take the pic and they had to reset it). So I respond "If I wanted to take it, I wouldn't have to run". The girls said "threats" and kind of giggled it off, the guy said nothing more.
Keep in mind that I live in a relatively safe suburban "white" neighborhood in Southern Cali. There are no muggings or shootings here. I'm also not a tatted up "gangster" or anything, was just wearing basic jeans and a T-shirt listening to my headphones around my neck.
Was I overreacting? Should I have just said nothing? Do you think the guy was pretty ungrateful for alleging that I'd run away with such a S****y cam? Keep in mind it was pretty close to midnight, and I did have a knife. If I wanted that cam, it would be mine.
Opinions please.