
Did I pass oral herpes to my boyfriend?

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I have a outbreak of oral herpes. It's healing but I saw my boyfriend yesterday and I think I might have passed it onto him. We did not kiss. I might have accidently touched his face with my lips but i know the cold sore didnot touch him. He calls me and tells me he has a sore throat, fever, and headache. He doesnt have HSV1. Did I pass it onto him? It's only been one day, is it possible he might just have caught a cold?




  1. its possible. cold sores can be passed on while the sore is visible, while there are symptoms and while its healing. if there is no sore there is still a small chance that u could pass it on. i don't think that by a kiss on the cheek u could have likely passed oral herpes (cold sores) to him. it would be more likely if u kissed him on the lips while the sore was healing or while it was visible.

    these symptoms could be just a cold or from stress.

    u can look up the symptoms for oral herpes at or and pass them onto him. tell him that if he experienced any of those symptoms (or an out break) then he should get tested for oral herpes.

  2. use herpeset to stop it from spreading to your b friend

  3. how do you know he didn't have hsv1?

  4. well do u have it

  5. It sounds like he got a cold.Some people get cold sores instead of the cold.A good med to get from tour doc for cold sores is acyclavir

  6. Have you ever kissed him, or shared drinks, food that you both ate off of, or other items that contacted your mouth? Even if you show no signs of an outbreak its still possible to spread it. Even if it was like a week or a month ago since you last kissed him.

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