
Did I permanently injure the skin around my eye, or just temporarily irritate it? Please help!?

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i was washing my face earlier, and I noticed the area around my eye was very "dirty" with eye crust (I have bad sinuses). I took a dry kleenex, and wiped the area, over and over again, pretty vigorously, quite a few times.

It did not bother me as I was doing it, but now the area around the corner of my eye (near my nose) and above (not the eyelid, but the area between the eyelid and the nose...the upper corner), is very red and burns slightly. Also, the corner of my eye itself near the nose feels weird every once in a while.

Did I rub too hard on the skin and irritate it, and will it get better in a few days, or should I worry that I did some sort of permanent damage to the skin/eye?

I am worried, as the skin in this area now burns from being rubbed raw.




  1. Ooh... I did that once and now I have to be careful about the way I rub my eyes. There isn't going to be permanent damage, but the area where you rubbed it is going to be much more sensitive in the future and will burn if you rub it the wrong way.

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