
Did I put the dots in all the right places in this Trigee?

by  |  earlier

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I walk into the shadows..........the shadows of fear

head held high.......................I enter, shoulders drawn back

looking upward......................a light parts the greyness

I see an outstretched hand.....beckoning me to follow

A voice I heard......................"your strength I saw

"grab hold upon your faith.......I'll not let you walk alone."

Shadows fell..........................fear subsided

Safe exit I did make...............assisted by tested faith.




  1. Even your woops are lovely.

  2. I would expect this from you, Ma.

    Exceptional words.

    Remember, they're just dots...

  3. I'm not comcerned with the dots.....

    This is absolutely beautiful and I love it!!

  4. I couldn't tell you Ma......I don't know the difference when it comes to poetry. But I know what I like.

    And this one I do like.

  5. Yes, the dots go where you say they go. I'm the Tinsmith...I mean Tunesmith...

  6. This is quite beautiful, a Trigee about faith tested and the triumph of that faith.  The dots are indeed in all the right places....this is one of the best I have seen.  It's a very encouraging and transcendent piece, and i love it.  Thank you.  

  7. You got me ma, but I liked it irregardless. LMAO

  8. Yeah Ma,,,,,All Those Dots Are Helping To Assist,,, "The Tested Faith",,,,I Like This Very Much Ma

    Well Done

  9. You 'connected' the dots well.  Interesting statement...tested faith.  Like wearing your well worn blue jeans?

  10. Love your!

  11. A lovely trigee.

  12. This was just wonderful ma--good job! A nice smooth read and uplifting as well!

    My favorite line---------

    Safe exit I did make...............assisted by tested faith

    Very nice indeed!!

       ( Got me a Trigee on the drawing board myself)


  13. In all the right places, in all the right ways, saying all the right things. I find myself moved. Thank you, ma.

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