
Did I really look that "wide" ?

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Went to the family reunion this last weekend and my bf's cousin told me her and I don't look alike with our pregnancies even though were only 2 weeks apart, because I'm so wide! You can also see a pic of me in my photostream that was before pregnancy, I was a 1-2.

I wanted to kill her!




  1. She's obviously far too fixated on appearance. You two might be built differently, but so what? You look GREAT! A lot of pregnant women don't get a cute, classically round, obviously pregnant belly like you have... you really look wonderful. :)

  2. A little bit wide, but that is part of carrying a child. I found that I had a wider belly with my son and I also carried low with him. I carried my girls a bit more compactly. You look gorgeous! Your body is going to keep changing and you are going to have to find a way to love it, hips and all.

  3. No you look fine.  And even if she is less wide, maybe her hips haven't spread yet.  It all depends on your body.  Everyone's is different.

    God Bless!

  4. You look great, absolutely glowing. I bet she doesn't xP

  5. You look like a regular pregnant woman to me. She's obviously being moody. Be proud of being pregnant, enjoy the good with the bad. We've all gained weight from the babies, so don't worry about it. You look great to me.

  6. You have such a lovely bump! I wish my bumps had been that neat when I was expecting my younger 2!! Ignore her-maybe she's jealous you have a nice bump? People can be so rude when you're pregnant-they seem to think they have the right to make comments about your bump. A pregnant woman should know better! Here's hoping she gets enormous all over lol!

  7. Aww you have a cute belly! Don't listen to what other pregnant women say, maybe she is just jealous because she is the one who looks wide Lol! You look cute be proud of your growing belly! :)

  8. No you didn't look that wide. I'm wider than you :(

  9. You look great! Don't listen to people (especially ones that haven't been pregnant before) They really speak before they think, which is not a good thing.

  10. No you're not wide you're pregnant, what can she expect? That is such a mean thing to say to someone! :)

  11. lol! you don't look at all "wide".  She sounds like a bit of a charmer.

  12. No.  You look just fine.  Cute pics of the happy couple!

  13. You don't look wide at all.  She sounds like a jerk.

  14. You look so cute!  You do not look wide at all.  You were tiny before so no wonder you started to show early.  I started to show early too, and everyone thought I was huge, or having twins.  

  15. She was just being a COW by trying to make you feel that you look like one!

    I would have told her, "Up yours! Don't hate because I look better than you!"

  16. You look great. People say the stupidest things to pregnant woman. She was being nasty and unfortunately you are going to have to learn to let it go. It won't be the last awful comment you get. With my second pregnancy I was at work and we have this open stairwell that leads to the lobby where the receptionist sits. It is a very active area. People are always passing by. I was 7 months pregnant, only gained 20lbs and as I came down the stairs the receptionist Yells out " OH MY GOD YOU ARE HUGE!" I was so embarrassed. There were people around and everyone looked at me. I told her I only had 8 wks left and she said "OH my god, you still have 8 wks, are you having twins?" I felt so terrible. I thought I was doing so good. People can be very insensitive. I can't even begin to tell you all the other awful things people have said during my other two pregnancies. You would be here all day. So you are going to have to take it with a grain of salt. I think you look beautiful.  

  17. you look pregnant.. that's it.. no worries sweetheart!

    oh & congrats!

  18. you look fine. i dont think you look wide at all . she was just trying to get a rise out of you .  

  19. You look perfect.  Seems like the cousin has a jealousy problem.  Good Luck!

  20. You look good! Good luck!

  21. you look good girl!

  22. I would'nt worry about what she says. You look very cute with your baby belly. I would rather have a big belly then no belly at all. Hunny your pregnant who cares what people think.  

  23. No you look good

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