
Did I ruin my vocal chords?

by  |  earlier

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Some years ago (I'm 16 now) I could sing in falceto (I think that's how it's, when you sing higher notes using only your throat..sorry, it's a bit difficult to explain.. =)

But now I can't... It's like I can't even scream... The sound doesn't come out.... What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Like I exaggerated falceto or something to ruin my vocal chords? Or did I just "grow up"?




  1. Your singing falsetto may have caused permanent damage, or it may simply be that your voice has changed. In either case, I'd start with a good voice teacher on the basics - breath control, singing from the diaphragm (not the throat, as many tend to do), and so forth - and let him or her evaluate what is going on with your voice. And whether or not it's desirable for you to sing falsetto any longer.

    Even if you don't want to take lessons or can't afford them, a single lesson with a good instructor will ease your mind.

    If you (and your instructor) think something is truly wrong, I believe there are various exercises you can do. I attended a workshop on this a few years ago and remember the discussion of how we can damage our vocal cords (actually vocal folds) but am less clear on repairing damage. Please see a professional to set your mind at rest or to make sure you don't do additional damage. Meanwhile, please don't try to sing falsetto until you find out what's going on.

  2. ahhh, you sang using your throat, big mistake, are you english, because like me this is what we tend to do, sing from the throat due to our accents, this ruined your voice and most of time it can not ever be repaired, it causes permanant damage, im sorry if im making you worried, but take it easy, it might not be fully damaged yet, you need to sing from your stomach as my voice teacher says.

  3. Well you did not precise your current age :)

    anyway it's just you grew up, that phase 12 - 16 years old is just full of transformational patterns at all levels, girls may have mannish voice at that age than it turns into normal...

    Your vocal chords are no longer able to produce falceto, cos if you practiced you'll be better not loose that..

    However you still have falceto but limited like everyone, so use your sopranino capacity and 5 notes falceto at a maximum :)

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