
Did I see a UFO?

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About a year ago, I was riding in the car and I saw something up in the sky ahead. I didnt think much of it, until we drove right under its position. It was moving at an angle to the road, and we ended up being right underneath it. We pulled over into a nearby parking lot to look at it. We got out of the car to look at it, and noticed that there was another driver doing the same thing. It flew by, and we went home.

Description of UFO: It was triangular in shape. We only saw the bottom of it. It was grey, and seemed to be flying fairly low. But it was moving very slow, so we came to the conclusion that it was really high, but just looked low. This means that it wouldev had to have been HUGE. It was really loud, making a strong hum as it flew by. For a while we thought it was one of those stealth planes that are shaped like a triangle, but after asking an Air Force officer, he said there is no way it would fly so low as to allow everyone on ground to see it. What did I see?




  1. technically yes it is a ufo... to u cuz ufo stand for uknown or unidentified flying object so it could b anything but obviously u meant ufo like aliens and that would b a maybe idk

  2. If you can't identify the flying object , then technically speaking you DID see a UFO.The U stands for "unidentified".

    A UFO can be anything.A flock of birds , a kite , an unusual airplane.Anything that fits the literal description of being an Unidentified Flying Object.

    But did you see an extra-terrestrial craft? Nah...

    Being a resident of the next county across the Potomac I can assure you that , although you see many aliens on a daily basis , they come from distant countries , not distant planets.

    By the way Nick...I've read many of your Q & A's here on Yahoo Answers , and you seem to be a level-headed Republican or Libertarian.But now you're starting to sound like Dennis Kucinech!

  3. nope, it was your mom.

  4. Something that AF officer didn't know about, or couldn't talk about.  Spend anytime outdoors at night, you can find many U.F.O's.

  5. Did you report it to MUFON?? Do you remember the date..? If you do you could check it against their  dates. Did you ask others in your town if they saw it? Did you ask the local authorities if they had any reports of a UFO? Check the records.

  6. This actually happened to me

    Me and my parents saw a silver object low in the sky traveling down like it was going straight down not like a kite or anything else would do

    We stopped the car and looked at it, it was very weird and looks like it was made of shiny silver

    What you witnessed was probably an object, happening to be an unidentified flying object

    Get some pictures off the Internet and explore to see if one can match the description you saw GL

  7. Check out the various websites you find - and add your statements. There are a lot of people seeing a lot of things - mostly made by the US - but not always. There is a Danish scientist on the run at the moment spilling the beans so to speak - catch the video's and reports while you can.

  8. that was definitely a ufo and most likely one made by the government. oh, the conspiracy theories...

    what's funny is that conspiracy theories hold the truth to cases like these.

  9. havent read ur whole story.. too long,

    but yes. i thought i saw a UFO when my sister was so angry at me and threw something i havent seen coming.. after hitting my forhead and living a scratch, it's not UFO (unidentified flying object) anymore.. i determined it was a bottle cap :-)  jk..sorry seen q***r things A LOT of times but wouldn't matter f u havent got an evidence to it.
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