
Did I see paranormal activity?

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I realized now, that I've might've seen paranormal things as a kid. I wasn't scared because I had no idea what it was I saw. Of course when you start growing up and start watching scary movies, you start getting scared. Well I don't remember everything but the one thing that stands out is an incident when I was 3 or 4 years old. I was sleeping with my parents on their bed one night and I woke up. I looked towards the dresser with a mirror in front of me and I noticed a shadow of a hand emerge from the back of the dresser. It waved at me and told me to come. So I got up and went to the dresser and looked but it didn't appear again. Another instance was a couple of years after when I was 6 I think. My cousin and I were playing on top of my aunts bed with the TV on in the background. There wasn't any channel on, just static, but we didn't mind. So we were sort of talking when we both saw a face appear, like a monster's face. It said something and then the TV shut off. We both ran away.




  1. Was this House in Queens, New York?

    When I was a baby I also saw those lights you spoke of and every single morning that I woke up I would be drawn to the window of my bedroom where I would listen to "The Musician from the Far Off Land" as I named him. He would play this music. I would politely listen to it for about ten minutes until it faded slowly away. Then I would go downstairs. This happened each and every morning untitl I started  going to school.

    In that house there were footsteps, missing objects that would reappear anywhere from ten minutes to three years later in the exact spot where they disappeared from . Knoscks on the door. Cold Spots. EVP that imitated my fathers voice when he was not home. In fact many of the footsteps were imitations of my parents footsteps. I heard my mother coming down the stairs (distinctly her slippers sounding down the stairs) when she was sitting right net to me. The loudest footsteps were the exact imitation of my fathers footsteps, very heavy pounding footsteps. We always heard those. My baby sitter had told me years later that she had heard them too when she baby sat for me.. Crazy stuff. I also saw a hand or two, but those I will not swear to as my memory of those are not as clear as the rest I have told you.

  2. Probably. I always witness this kind of stuff. It's freaky!! Don't let anyone tell you you are crazy or that ghosts aren't real, because they are. We have a few area's in my town that are proven haunted. Paranormal researchers have investigated and everything.

    So yeah, you most definitely did.

  3. They say kids see paranormal more then adults cause their minds are more open.

  4. Many children see things like this.  Some people say it is because children are innocent and haven't learned not to believe in things like this and others say that it is reaction to the brains development.  

    It is hard to say what it was you saw without being able to visit the house.  There could have been a house there before yours was built.  Since you are grown now and out of the house I would just consider it childhood memories and leave it at that if I was you.

  5. That house must be built under a grave or something....or this spirit probably followed one of your family member....this is what i am told in my culture (religion).

  6. you trippin fool

  7. Both of your "paranormal" instances occurred when you were young and in bed. A dream would be the logical explanation.

  8. It is very hard to say whether you experienced anything paranormal or if it was just the over active imagination that we all have as children.  If you only have a few instances of these happenings I would say that you did not see anything out of the ordinary.

  9. Your brain wasn't fully developed at 3 or 4.  Events that occured didn't have a proper template for your brain to apply them to (memories are restructured from templates as they are recalled,  and those templates change over time), even at six you are still highly impressionable and stored memories are easily altered.  An easy way to demonstrate this is to go back and watch a movie you haven't seen since you were a little kid.  Chances are, it will be significantly different than you remember.  Perhaps you even remember some scenes that never even occured in the movie!  It's very normal.  The same happens with real life memories.  They get blended, warped, twisted, fabricated, and deleted.  Chances are these things didn't happen or happened significantly different than you remembered them.  It's a normal phenomenon and is supported by empirical evidence that's been highly scrutinized and retested over the years.

  10. paranormal for sure...dont wipe things off as your imagination if you are really sure in what you saw and experienced....ive had kind of the same thing happen to me...and ive also heard music...and i also sometimes see sparks of light in the air, i believe them to be angels... when i first started seeing the sparks i was with a friend sitting in the lounge room and everytime they sparked up my friend could see them to..

  11. I can't tell you what you saw or didn't see.

    You need to watch "Ghost Hunters" on the Sci Fi channel.  Seriously.

  12. If your house is more than 10 years old, paranormal phenomena is possible. Several families would have lived in that house since your family bought it. Unless your grandad made it of course. Usually if a person dies, their soul goes back to the last or first house they lived in. Most likely you have a poltergeist inhabiting your home. Nothing to worry about though. Do some proper research and try to get those spirits out, unless you like them. If anyone thinks I am a nutcase, I am not. I did some research and this is what I got. Seems linked to several other stories I heard of. Well, good luck with your poltergeist.

  13. omg thats REALLY scary.

    i would go to a psychiatrist though.

    that doenst sound real to me.

  14. thats creepy. maybe you should see a physic or someone who can tell you for sure what you saw.

  15. I believe that children do see more than adults do. When you are that young, ur still open to things. Who knows? maybe children's invisible friends are real? I agree to maybe see a psychic, but if you know urself that it was real, who's to say otherwise? Have you asked your cousin if they remember the incident with the tv?

  16. wow thats really freaky but interesting!!!

  17. The coloured lights you saw are called ORBS. I capture them on my camera a lot. Check out they do house investigations for ghosts n stuff. you can watch their show on we tv saturday at 8pm

  18. Based on many anecdotes I've seen posted here, many so-called paranormal events occur right before or right after sleep.  This doesn't mean you should completely disregard anything that happens around bedtime, but you should definitely consider the mental state of someone who is just waking up or who is falling asleep when determining what it is that exactly happened.  You should also consider the fact that children live in magical worlds where, thanks to a very robust imagination, anything can happen.

  19. could be- you would have been much more open to such activities. - have all of them stopped? or have you just blocked them?

  20. Sounds like you lived in a haunted house.  Even new houses can be haunted.  Some times ghost follow people, not bound the a location.  Also there may have been something there before the house was built.  Children often see spirits that adults do not.  I did as a child and still do to this day.  My family all believe in ghost and spirits so no one ever told me that I did not see them until I was an adult.

  21. What you likely experienced was hypnagogia -- which are very realistic "waking dreams" that occur as people [believe they] are going to sleep or waking up. I've experienced these several times, and they are frighteningly realistic. Wikipedia has a good listing on hypnagogia. Start there and you'll find similar experiences described.

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