
Did I see wolves eyes looking at me last night?

by  |  earlier

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I'm on Leech Lake in Minnesota and I brought my dog out late last night so he could go to the bathroom, and I was looking straight out (it was pitch black outside), and I see these faint, moving blue lights. And I thought, what the h**l is that?? And when they became still, I realized they were a set of blue eyes looking straight at me. Then there were two sets! I snatched my dog up and ran inside the house...

I've seen a lot of deer and their eyes seem to be green.

What do you all think?

There are wolves in the area because we've found their tracks in the winter. I'm just wondering if their eyes appear blue at night!





  1. That would be really neat and scary. Who knows what was looking at you. Was your dog barking? I would imagine he would. Be careful out there.

  2. wolf eyes glow red in the dark. males wolverines eyes glow blue in the dark only in they are really mad. i would watch it if i were you!

  3. Yeah! It could have been. Freaky!

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