
Did I stop growing?

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I'm 18, 170 cm tall (5'7 or so), and I haven't grown at all since i was 14 and a half years old. My dad is 5'5, and my mom is 4'11, but they're the shortest sibling in their respective families, haha.

Would you say that my chances of growing are slim? I'm pretty active (all sports, but particularely badminton and volleyball), and I eat pretty healthy. I'm decently happy with the height I got, considering my parents height...but it kind of sucks with my active lifestyle.

Don't people have a growth spurt at puberty (big 1), and a smaller spurt sometime after puberty but before you're done growing?




  1. I wish I was a little bit Taller, I wish I was a baller...  You are a good size and plus you are bigger then your parents too, you will be fine...

  2. In height yes u have probably stopped but dont feel sorry for ueself! U did good. better than ur old folks.
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